Special Issue: America the Beautiful (9/11 Tribute) [Preview]

Day 1,374, 23:28 Published in USA USA by Michael Raab
The Washington Herald
America the Beautiful
By: Michael Raab

I'm actually relatively young. Frankly, I don't have as much time to play this game as others, but I enjoy what I do. My point? Well, I remember the day of September 11th 2001 quite well actually. In real life, I live in Hawaii, so it was very earlier morning when the tragedy occurred. I awoke on the day after my sixth birthday to both of my parents crying with the television on. As I walked towards them, they just held me. I didn't really understand then, but that event changed my life.

Now, I am a Sophomore at one of the most prestigious prep schools in the nation. Many of my peers strive to attend Ivy League schools. Not me. I would like to attend a Service Academy and give back to the country that has given me so much. Now, some of you might be asking, "who are you anyway to be saying this stuff?" I'll tell you…

Who am I? I'm an American. A person who perseveres through all things. We never give up. I guess that's why America's great. Since the year 1776, we've been fighting for what we believe in. That's probably because Americans don't take anyone's shit, ever. We are always on duty, protecting the people of this earth from monsters who wish them harm. We will stand up for anyone not powerful enough to stand up for themselves. That itself is the embodiment of the American Spirit in each and every one of us.

As General George S. Patton once said, "The thought of losing is so hatful to Americans, that's why America has never lost, and will never lose a war." The words of General Patton are true. We have never lost, we will never lose, and we shall truly overcome all odds to reach the goal we strive for. To all our servicemen and servicewomen, this is for you. You keep us safe. You give us Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. You make the American Dream available to all who want it.

Read more on September 11, 2011...