Special! Interview with Legion Commander: Rodney Mckay.

Day 2,028, 05:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheEclipse

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I was given the fine oppertunity to interview the Commander of the Legion Mu Rodney Mckay.
First and Foremost I would like to thank Mr. Mckay for giving me this oppertunity.

Some background info:

Mr. Mckay has had a long history in Erepublik having been around for roughly 4 years, he was President of ESO (http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Every_Single_One) and is now the Commander of the Euk's greatest fighting force- The Legion. The Legion has a reputation for dealing damage and it's members are well supplied.(More on that later)

On to the interview!

Ok, being an experienced player is there any tips that you can give to the newer players?

Rodney Mckay:
The way I see it, if I deleted this account and restarted, what would I do.
I would firstly get on the forums and beg for all free stuff going.
I would then join a community either a military or party, or maybe even both.
Then really get involved!

Honestly, this game is 100 times better when you get involved with people and make friends, it really is a social game and it's important that new players realise that before they get bored and leave.

Lets start talking about the situation in Europe, how do you see it changing?

Rodney Mckay
I honestly don't pay that much attention, I've never really been interested in the alliances, I have a general understanding, but I tend to focus on what's going on at home.

There's been alot of talk about MU's in politics lately it seems the big parties would like more control over private MU's what are your thoughts on this?

Rodney Mckay:
I don't really see what else they would want to control, most MUs follow official orders, and a few others are bound to follow orders due to past agreements.
It's a nice idea in theory, if I presume they mean we elect a government backed Captain.

Well the way it works is the MU's involved form a sort of advisory board

Rodney Mckay:
I know about that bit yeah

Is there anything that you would change or add to Erepublik?

Rodney Mckay

I will just note the basics that would make my life easier.

-2nd Commander being able to change DO in an MU
-Mass Mail MU Members
-Some kind of auto supply system, maybe being able to pay in weapons instead of money when someone works.

Just those 3, would make me unbelievably happy.

What are you thoughts on the guerrilla fights and is there any improvements that you would like to be implemented?

Rodney Mckay:
I think the entire system is a waste of time tbh, it's slow and horrible to use, and adds nothing to the game.

I honestly can't think how they could improve it.

And now some questions from the public.

One player was wondering where the Legion gets its funding and supplies from?

Rodney Mckay:
About a year and a half ago, a bunch of ESO players put some money together and started to give it out to people to help them build companies, this was known as the "Legion Cooperative" we essentially make money, gave it to new people, they made more money and we all used it to fund the companies and supplies for Legion.

Everyone invested a very large amount of money, and when carlini came along to help, we were most likely richer than the eUK.

As it stands, we have a few people who VERY generously lend us their companies and their WRM to help us supply as many people as we can, and we aim to supply them the best we can also.

tldr: from a bunch of really great people.

They sound very generous. Another player was wondering if you plan to retire for erepublik?

Rodney Mckay:
I've been around for over 4 years now, and I plan to retire every other week.
I just can't bring myself to leave, I don't think I will anytime soon.

One player aske😛 Birmingham or Solihull? which is better?

Rodney Mckay:
Solihull is a little bit less shit.

But they are both horrid, also Viper is a noob.

Great, thank you so much for your time especially since its so late

Rodney Mckay:
No problem, thanks for the great questions. o7

End of interview

Thats your lot folks! I would have loved to ask more questions but it was getting very later, again I would like to thank Mr. Mckay for consenting.

Next Interview: BigAnt.