South East Food Scheme (Free Q5 Food!)

Day 437, 10:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South East Regional Council
An Act of YOUR South East Regional Council
(CV James, Peter Steven and Horrice P Fossil)

South East Regional Council

As part of the new South East Regional Council, new citizens from the South East now have the chance to apply to the council for free Q5 food (on a first-come-first-serve basis, while stocks last).

Q5 food is the highest quality you can get, you consume one unit of food per day and it increases your wellness by the quality it is (eg. Qx food increases your wellness by x everytime you eat it)

To qualify, you must be:
a) a resident of the South East
b) under 2 months old
c) have wellness of 65 or less.

To apply, either PM CV James, Horrice P Fossil or Peter Steven (in-game or on the forums), or PM the South East Regional Council.



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