South African News

Day 838, 08:32 Published in USA South Africa by Martin Warmonger

Dear citizens...

As many of you know, our (South Africans) country has been brutally attacked again, by a large group of people from the land of (number)chan. I wish I had brought better news, as you, EDEN, have helped us re-claim Gauteng just days ago. What seems to have happened was: RoneLI, one of South Africa's dearest friends, has been banned multiple times, and I guess, she made a new account, grew tired of it, and let it go (or gave it away). And so it ended up in the hands of these channers (Exilious and friends).

I know the REAL Ronell (Wolfgirl, Dragon Fury) wouldn't have done such a thing, even though she has made some mistakes in the past. Now, I ask you, help us again where it is needed and asked, this is a begging request from myself, a longtime South African.

Thank you.

Martin Warmonger, SABC News