South Africa, why are you bothered playing eRepublik?

Day 1,025, 13:32 Published in South Africa Ireland by CelticTiger211

Honest to God why do you lot bother playing this game? Seriously.
If I was born into this country I would of quit long before the game became addictive. South Africans can’t play eRepublik like the rest of us. They can’t go mad in senseless banter over ideologies or political theories. They can’t debate over congressional affairs or Government policies. They don’t have the luxury or the time to really care about all the pointless “tweaks” and the new handicaps the admins force upon us. No, South Africans are too preoccupied with the killjoy of tackling stacked odds, in a loosing war, against PTO’ers.

I can’t see the joy in watching your own country implode because of an aggressive infestation. You have these cancerous, violently Hungarians solely content on sucking any fun out of your community. They’re arrogant actions and motives, of being the biggest pricks as can be, force you guys into submission. You are denied all the fun elements of the game (the few that remain but that’s a rant for another day). You can’t consistently invest into an army or in state industry. Hell, you can’t even enjoy the competitiveness of a Presidential election like the rest of us. You are forced to unite under a single candidate and hope he prevails against whichever idiot the Hungarians support.

I guess the only thing more frustrating for you guys than battling PTO’ers is being ignored or, more accurately, being discriminated against. Am I going to far by using that word? Discriminated? No, I don’t think so. I think we can all image a country like Ireland or Belgium or Norway in your situation BUT! Can we image Poland? Or the United States? Or Serbia in your scenario? No. Why? Because they haven’t been sub categorised into the “small nations” folder in the eRepublik offices. If there’s anybody stupid enough not to believe me then look at the beginning of this month. In America “PizzaTheHut“, a known PTO’er, was stirring up some prime shit by running in the Presidential elections. Needless to say he was immediately removed from the running by the admins who then turned a blind eye to the Hungarian PTO’er running in the South African elections. Now I can’t see the just in that.

I’m writing this article to show the frustration I share with you . That though I’m not directly experiencing it, the thought of some degenerate doing that to the Irish community is enough to aggravate me. A lot of you guys, the ones who’ve endured this level of crap from the beginning, are really dedicated and determined but until the admins introduce a way in which we, the smaller countries, can defend ourselves from PTO’ers I fear your future is only going to become worse.
I, along with every citizen from every small country in the eWorld, take my hat off to you guys. You’ve truly been on the end of some of the most aggressive cheaters, with things going from one extreme to another and yet you fight on.

Respect to you all and best of luck in the future,

(Needless to say if need help in the up incoming elections please just give Ireland a call. We'll rally a posse to help our brothers any time.)