South Africa-Brazil conflict.Who is the true culprit?+interview(Eng/HU)

Day 1,113, 04:23 Published in Hungary Ukraine by Ivan Alexashenko

Recent issues and events in the past few days lead Brazil away from Phoenix. The first thing which became apperant there are very few articles dealing with this problem in Hungary,not counting the well-know Hungarian troll Teiquila who succesfully poisoned the Brazil-Hungarian relationships many times.
Also add the fact statements made by Hungarian and South African government were strangely short and one-sided,the questions unwilingly pop-up in ourselves,SA TO-ers really telling the truth to us?

Few comments from SA TO-ers:
„We negotiated with Brazil and their offer was quite simple.Either giving them 3 regions or get wiped off.They threatened us,blackmailed us and started a campaign against us in the media.This is not how you negotiate with people with whom you are supposed to be on the same side.”

„I dont see what is negotiaition in giving something to Brasil for free.
Thats not negotiation.The first time they came they never asked but take what they want.You cant do that whit someone that you suposed to an ally.”

eHungary statements:
"Brazil requested to rent 3 SA-an regions.
However they dont needed truly those resources since Brazil all have it.
Anyway the negotiations begun and ended that conclusion, declaring war cost will be halved between Brazil and SA.
However Brazils come up with the USA MPP.Now we cant be sure about their true intention."

South Africa statements:
"Brazil signed peace with Spain, and not far from accepting Romania MPP.
Brazil turned against us, no doubt about it, they are working against a successful Phoenix TO, and maybe they will fight against Hungary important Phoenix alliance member with help of Romanian MPP."

Its time to listen the other side as well.A little review with two key member of eBrazil.
Jazar: Well-known and respected Brazilian whose merits would be too long to write it down
Vigoncalves86: Country President during the diplomacy crisis

1, Are your offer really was one sided (you take the territories, exchange for that you spare SA)?

Jazar: Hungarians claim that when they ptoed SA they planned swapping there. Brazil was never against it we even could help negotiating the pass with Indonesia that is our older friend and ally in this game. Since there are no more swaps and the raw changed we dont see how SA can still benefit Hungary. These territories with Brazil can make our production better what will give us more money to help phx and will also give more money directly to phx, through taxes.
Vigoncalves86: Its a lie, since we don't have cattle, aluminum or saltpepper.

2, How willing was SA government to negotiate with Brazil? What they did offer?

Jazar: Since the problems in v2 i refuse myself to talk with the PTOers, BUT the member of the gvt were always showing how the negotiations were going. For sometime they look good, but them the SA gvt got greedy.

3, Hungarian government said Brazil seemingly agreed with some terms however, you made an MPP with USA which killed the possibility of negotiations and the results. Is it happened really this way? Or something missing from the picture?

Jazar: The MPP with USA isnt related to this situation, it is more symbolic then anything. Many ppl dont know, but in the past USA and Brazil were allies and we even helped then on their war x Canada. USA is a neutral country with a pro-eden view, we know it, but maybe with Brazil influence USA can come to a real neutral stand. Also PHX asked us to sign PEACE with Spain, so think like this: only country that protect Spain at our timezone is USA, if we mpp USA, but Spain didnt sign peace, fooling us, they would lose US MPP hitting us.

4, SA government also claimed you are simply greedy, since you have the all resources, the few missing ones could be exchanged between you and SA.
Why didnt you offer some territory exchange?

Jazar: First of all I dont see how Hungary or PHX can profit from SA like it can profit from Brazil. If we were greedy we would ask Hungary to pay our return to gauteng, since we lost it before contract expire, but we didnt ask gauteng back because whole phx was in a bad shape and Hungary itself was getting erased. Also Brazil is claiming more regions (asking admins do divide some regions) so it is hard to share something now without knowing how admins will reshape (they claim they will reshape whole world). And also u got the problem of South of Brazil having hmmm the more nationalist brazilians (let put it that way).

They asked to go through Brazil to attack Chile or a 1000g rent, which are dumb suggestions.

5, what do you think of SA government? Are they really serving Phoenix interests?

Jazar: I dont see how they serve PHX interest

Vigoncalves86: No, they are not. The PHX headquarter agree with me on that. South Africa will never be Hungary. I truly have much more respect for the Hungarians that play FOR Hungary then for those PTOers pirates.

6, Do you see any chance to recover the old good relations between Brazil and Hungary?

Jazar: Well, we were enemies with Argentina and after some hardwork they are our best allies with Indonesia (BIA). No Brazil had problems with Hungary before this SA colony stuff

Sure, I do. Brazil is a country that doesn't like vendettas. But, obviously, we'll have to reconstruct the relation for it to happens in the future.

7,Do you want to sent some message to Hungarians? Or any advise?

Jazar: first a phrase shouted by some soldiers of our army :/

"people are mad at hungary, people want to take South Africa, but people dont wanna harm or leave phx."

Well I got some Hungarian friends and i made them fighting on the battlefield. Brazil is one of the few countries that got erased and many ppl claim we are, because of our position and our economy a "support only" country. We´ve always supported our allies and always will. ( i think is bullshit ppl saying oh i helped u there, there and there... as far as i know Brazil ALWAYS followed PHX orders, i remember some V1 battles where x was bankrupt, y wasnt ready, z was busy and only Brazil was hitting 😒 - we arent "strong" as hung or serbia, but we are always there, even if just with rakan 😛 )

For sometime I considered myself a PHX citizen now i consider myself a Brazilian citizen... times are changing, but nothing is lost. EDEN didnt manage to beat us, we shouldnt beat ourselves then. Danm it 😘

luv u bekes s2

Some facts about SA TO-ers:
1,SA TO-ers lied to its citizens and Hungary
2,It seems the true puppet not SA but Hungary.
3,South Africa TO not benifits Hungary anyway,not only that but also because of SA TO-ers we lost a valuable ally
4,Those resources in hands of SA useless both for Hungary and Phoenix
5,The only thing they good at it collecting medals and absorbing valuable citizens from Hungary active population only for they own selfish goals

The Solution.
I think it isnt to late repair the damage which done by SA TO-ers. I believe Brazil despite its unfair treatments still would open for real talks.
It would be time for showing who is the real boss. If SA TO-ers refuse to corparate with Brazil then SA TO-ers doesnt belong to Phoenix,they can be considered traitors. We have no room for inner conflicts when Eden is threating our very existence,we need to be united.

I hope the new Hungarian government will make it clear and correct things ASAP.

Short HU version(only conclusion and lies made by SA TO-ers)

Az elmúlt napok eseményeinek hatására Brazília eltávolodott a Phoenixtől. Az első ami feltűnő hogy meglepően kevés cikk foglalkozik a témával, leszámítva a jól ismert trollunkat aki sikerrel mérgezte már korábban is a Magyar-Brazíl kapcsolatokat. Ha ez nem lenne elég mind a magyar illetve dél-afrikai kormány által kiadott nyilatkozatok gyanúsan rövidek és egyoldalúak az emberben akaratlanul is felmerül a gyanú hogy nem egészen úgy történtek a dolgok ahogy beállítják a Dél-Afrikai TO-zók.

Idézet a magyar kormány közleményéből:
"Brazil – Dél Afrika helyzet. A brazilok azzal a kéréssel fordultak hozzánk, hogy szeretnének Dél-Afrikától 3 régiót bérelni. Amire nekik nincs szükségük, hiszen több is van abból a nyersanyagból náluk. A tárgyalások megkezdődtek, tegnap éjjel ott fejeztük be, hogy a hadüzenet 50%-át a brazilok, 50%-át a PHX fizetné. Időközben jött a brazil-amerikai MPP, ami most jócskán felborította a helyzetet."

Idézet Lisztes(Dél-Afrikai kongressz képviselő cikkéből):
"Beadták a románok a brazil mpp-t, ami a román támadással meg is szűnt volna. Nagyon ügyesen ki van ez találva. Ezen felül a spanyolokkal is békét kötöttek, pedig azelőtt minden pénzüket ellenük tankolták el.
Egy szó mint 100: a brazilok elárultak minket, ez most már egyértelmű, és egy sikeres phx to-t szabotálnak a támadásukkal, valamint a szövetség egyik alaptagállama ellen fognak harcolni a románokkal kötött mpp-jük segítségével"

1,SA TO-zók hazudtak nyilatkozataikban,könnyedén megtévesztve a két klikkeseket:
a,Brazíloknak valójában szükségük van a nyersanyagokra
b,Elfelejtették megemletíni a Spanyol békekötés hátterét
c,Alapvetően árulónak állították be Braziliát,miközben nem álltak át az EDEN oldalra
d,Phoenix TO-nak hívják magukat miközben se Phoenix érdekeit se Magyar érdekeket nem szolgálnak
e,A tárgyalás menetét és részleteit teljesen meghamísották,illetve eltitkolva hogy abszurd követeléseik miatt vallott kudarcot a tárgyalás
f,Igaz magyaroknak nevezik magukat de miattuk vesztettünk el egy értékes szövetségest amely akár fel is boríthatja az erőegyensúlyt ami eleddig sem volt kedvező számunkra
2,Számukra értéktelen nyersanyagokat nem adtak át a Braziloknak
3,Az egyetlen amiben jók az a medálgyűjtés és Magyarország gyengítése kritikus pillanatban

Végeredményben olybá tűnik hogy mi vagyunk a bábok és nem Dél-Afrika...

Úgy gondolom hogy még nem késő helyrehozni a diplomáciai kárt amit SA TO-zók okoztak végtelen kapzsiságukkal.Brazília még minden bizonnyal nyitott a valódi beszélgetésékre.
Ha pedig az SA nem hajlandó megegyezni akkor árulóknak tekintendők.Hiszen se Phoenix se magyar érdeket nem szolgálnak.Illetve a legnagyobb bajban okoztak gondot...
Lehet a realításokkal szembe menni és pökhendi lekezőlő módon bánni egy szövetséggel és nemet mondani,a végeredmény ugyanaz lesz.

1,Igent mondtak volna.SA TO-zóknak maradt volna még valami,és értékes szövetségesünk is megmaradt volna
2,A mostani nemmel pedig se SA se Braziliánk nem lesz....

Ez a nem mindegy.
A kormány részéről azzonali beavatkozást várnék a kérdésbe,nehogy már a farok csóválja a kutyát.Azaz a SA a Magyarországot....