Source of Bulgarian crisis

Day 1,585, 08:31 Published in Ukraine Ukraine by Pan Xenonchik

I want to tell you something cause Im a man who was strongly probulgarian during a lot of time of this conflict but now changed his position. Tell about reasons that changed my point of view.

We all could see the kindergarten during few months. Referendums, summits, special summits, blackmails, threats, swaps, votings, votings with canceled results, logs and more, and more. Snowball of insults, distrust and hasty decisions rolled through the winter. But spring has come, hormones has begun to play and over the hills and far away.

We cant analyze all this line of mutual mistakes adequately. I can tell more - there is no player who possesses the fullness of the situation. A web of hidden relations between SC, former SC, BG CP, TR CP, EDEN puppetmasters, BG puppetmasters, TR puppetmasters, line of understatements and plume of same things that always supports high politics impedes possibility of strict analysis. And who can estimate weight of such or another word or insult?

Okay, lets leave this demagogy and go to root of problem. EDEN HQ invites Turkey to EDEN and Bulgaria doesnt approve. We need to estimate both decisions.

1. EDEN HQ invites Turkey to EDEN. For our estimation we need to look at the situation in e-World before Turkey invitation. 2011 wasnt a good year for TEDEN. We remember Poland that controlled a half of Western Europe, Serbia that made crusades over the world, Romania that erased by Hungary, Macedonian empire in Greece, Italy and Arabian East. Countries like Italy, Ukraine, Belorus or Israel lived from erasing to erasing. Total domination of ONE in population and damage - this we saw before invitation of Turkey. I think there are many guys, who with me went to egov and calculated the summary damage: EDEN+Terra+proEDEN+proTerra vs ONE+proONE+ABC... and it was obviously that Turkey can change the situation. This was not just damage. Do you really think HQ needed Turkey only for good numbers in Egov? 🙂 HQ tried to stop ONE domination.

2. Bulgaria doesnt approve. That time I read all BG press. I listened their thoughts and arguments. I can select three main: "RL problems", "We need an enemy", "We need resources".
a) RL problems. RL problems couldnt interrupt cooperation with TR and BG when they were in Phoenix. Okay, you told about baby-boom. But you have anti-MCD baby-boom too, you left Phoenix cause Macedonia joining and no RL problems cant stop BG-MCD cooperation now. You can solve your RL problems with MCD and cant with TR? Lol.
b) "We need an enemy". Lets look on the map. BG has two ONE countries near - SRB and MCD. Good enemies, no? Or, you made NAPs with them? And who asked you for it? You periodically negotiate with countries of enemy alliance and who blame that you have no enemy?
c) "We need resources". Yep now there is no need to protect Ukraine or Russia from TR. But with support of EDEN and Turkey BG can swap to any place of world and "mexicanize" it. Or look at Romania. They live without extra resources most of the time and dont cry.

Summary. In my eyes Bulgaria didnt give any rational reason of its position. They said "Brotherhood is better than damage", but the real position was "WE DONT CARE THAT ONE DOMINATES AND HALF OF EDEN IS UNDER TOTAL ERASING. WE HAVE MANY REGIONS AND PRETTY DEALS WITH SERBIA AND MACEDONIA SO WE DONT NEED ANY EXTRA DAMAGE FOR TEDEN". I think this has no common with "brotherhood" but a lot with usual egoism.

I dont want to justify the EDEN HQ. All who spoke with me know that I have not a high opinion of former SC whom I know in inner UA politics. 🙂 But as I said higher both mistakes after were only particulars. And primary key is the words that I decorate by capslock. EDEN HQ hasnt solved the problem but bulgarians made it.

And one more. During eight years I was a captain of teams that played in different intellectual games. And my experience say me: "If player A said 'Or player B will leave the team or me', player A must go away from the team automatically." Teammember who raises the question in this way already made his choice. After last voting in EDEN Bulgaria completely lost my liking.

Best regards, Bulgaria. Your former friend. 🙁

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