Sorry, No News Here

Day 1,399, 13:40 Published in USA USA by PencilPal
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Hello, the Poor Man's Blanket is on a one-day hiatus. This is a personal message from your man behind the desk, PencilPal.

I am hereby announcing my intention to run for Congress this September. I admit I'm not the oldest eRepublik player, but I'm sure that I'll make an excellent Congressman. I'm keeping up with the forums, checking in on the IRC, and (hopefully) my paper has made some sort of impact.

Me Considering Joining the Race

But you've heard all of this before. What the hell makes me different? A couple things. As a relatively new player and a RL Puerto Rican, I have a distinctly unique perspective on eRepublik. I have experience negotiating (from NationStates). I know how to craft and edit bills, and how to bring a groundswell of support behind it. But mostly, I'm different because of my passion. I've seen other players in eRepublik sign in as a chore. They have no emotion about playing, and that does not a good Congressman make. I follow battles with bated breath, write articles with energy and gusto, and hope to bring that same energy to the eUS Congress. So, please consider PencilPal for Congress this September because I'm just different.

Vote if you'd vote for me.
Subscribe if you'd listen to me.
Shout if you're really awesome.
Sit down in your thinking chair if you're ready to think, think, think.