Sonix for Wyoming

Day 1,554, 12:05 Published in USA Croatia by sonix

Sonix for Wyoming !!!

For AMP on 25th February in the state Wyoming Sonix will be the official candidate.

Program for the next month.

My main idea is to work on our taxes. Trying to get the income tax to 15% would be a great work. That will encourage new people to move and work in the eUS. Also will be easier for our new ones to get along.

Secondary will sure be the raise of our import tax. To help out eMaricans to post on market without be afraid to be overbid by an foreign market price.

I am a veteran in the game. Being here over 3 years I decided it´s the time to make a step forward to help the eUS even more. I am over 2 years in the military service and have fought all over the world. It´s now time to fight in a different battle.

Vote for Sonix on the 25th !!

Let me be your voice.

If you decide to vote for me I will provide you with the traveling money.

official candidate for the AMP in Wyoming