Some thoughts about eCanada and our community

Day 1,460, 10:10 Published in Canada Greece by Vags

Reading the articles about the whole leaking story about the scenario of eCanada joining ONE, i pretty much came up with some thoughts about this country and its society.

-First, when a Congressman leaks out screenshots of the closed door congress to other people, there's a serious problem: a) because that congressman is stupid enough to act recklessly, without thinking first and b) because actually people were stupid enough to elect him. So, for me, the people that voted that man is equally guilty as him. So, next time be careful who you vote.

-Second, many are pretty fast to judge. What was that notorious thread about eCanada joining ONE about? Many thought that Addy is pro ONE. Nope, Addy is doing what a CP has to do; his job. He's creating case studies, in order to decide with the other congress members what's the best for the future of the country. Between a CP who just follows and accept the current status quo and a CP that actually thinks how to put his country in a better orbit, i prefer the second. So, good job Addy.

-Third, some of our congress members easily forget. As an eCanadian, i am more than proud to have eIreland as an ally. And i feel ashamed that others easily forget how sweetdrinker and the other folks saved our sweet asses when eSweden decided to have a walk in eCanada. Yes, we have helped them and so have they. Being a devoted ally doesn't mean to put your country in the second place all the times, but sometimes it is necessary. I will never forget when my previous e-country, Greece was struggling against eFYROM and the Croatians decided to focus their firepower against FYROM, losing to their natural enemies, Serbians. eCroatia and the way they stand for their allies is something that we shoud admire and try to follow as well.

-Fourth, i came up with a question. What is a country? Is it our regions that make us a country? Is it the bonuses on production that we have? F::ck no! What makes us a country is the community. If our community is divided, even if we own half of the world, we still ain't no country. And even if we're wiped out from the map, if we're united, we are a country.

So, to all the people that wet their pants when they see eSerbia and ePoland knocking our door, i have to say one thing: i'd rather see this country totally wiped out from the map, than to betray our allies. You're dead wrong to believe that ONE is unbeatable. Sooner or later, Eden and Terra will decide that they won't win unless they unite into one alliance. And as soon as we start winning, ONE will crumble, just like Phoenix did.

Cause you should know one thing; ONE will stay united as long as they win. Their countries don't have strong bonds. At least not as strong as they think. And when they stop winning, then they will start backstabbing each other, repeating the history once more. The rest of ONE are Serbia's bitches and they tolerate their arrogancy as long as they win. You think they will keep tolerating them even when they're losing? Would you tolerate them?

In conclusion
1) I'm happy to have an active man as a CP, whose brain works 24/7 in order to find ways to make this country stronger. To me, it doesn't matter if his proposal is something i don't agree. It's better than making no suggestions at all.
2) Joining ONE wouldn't be good for eCanada. First, because i prefer my country to be considered a loyal ally, even if that means that it loses, amd because the mark of the traitor will follow us and make our wins taste bitter and second, because ONE can't win forever.
3) Our community has serious issues. We lack of trust and unity. If we want one day to become stronger, we have to learn how to trust our companions and strengthen the bonds of our community.

Thanks for reading.

Your neighbourhood's friendly Butler,