some talk

Day 1,575, 14:43 Published in Germany USA by Ivaylo88

hey there people ,
long time no talk here so i decided to dust off the pages and write something to you , about my activity in the senate and things going on .
First of i must thank Deathman for his invite to work in his team also i am very nice surprised ( and helluva lucky ) that i met ilphen who is part of the MOFA team , as i admit i am new to this kind of post and his teaching and showing me things around help me a lot to progress for which i thank him as well .
As for me as i promised you i try to be active every single day both as your MOFA and senator once more i must say i am open to hear your opinions ( that of you the egerman common folk ) in case you want something changed , you disagree with something in my activity or that of my collegues .

Also i wish to express my joy that eGermany with the help of our allies managed to free herself from that not good situation that it was , i hope that such situation won't come again ever , as i before have expressed my disagree of polish occupation of these regions even with rent , they belong fully to our Germark and no one else .
There were some proposals for NE of France but i must inform you they were never out to be taken seriously nor any of us wanted to NE France in reality i count that country for our ally in the game , no matter that someone may hate them in RL or whatsoever .
I wish to report that even if i am not whole day online i keep an eye on the laws and give me vote so that the country and the current goverment can work normally , though there are few people who left congress i fully understand them , after all this is a game and we all have RL tasks and life to carry for .So in general i think i do my best to pay back for the vote of trust that you gave me , cause that's the most important for me .

At last i wish to thank all -my collegues , MU , party and all the people of eGermany for giving me this chance to develop in this game , you rock !
And so that's all for now enjoy some music and one lonely girl 😃 and be good towards each other 🙂

Rock rock 😛