Some South African Politics

Day 775, 08:58 Published in Australia Austria by Jeff Hamilton

Hello Australia:

This is the transcript of an interview with one of South Africa's Presidential candidates, Mark Morcom.

JH: Right, thank you for agreeing.

MM: No problem.

JH: This interview is designed to be for an international audience, so some of the questions might seem a little basic.

MM: Ok.

JH: 1. Which parties are supporting you in your bid, and why?

MM: Well, I am obviously been supported by the Liberal Party of South Africa. I have been very involved with the party but it unfortunately battles to break into the Top 5. SAL is giving me their support after their PP read my platform. My goals seem to be inline with the parties goals. I have the support of the IA and will be running under their banner. I believe that I have always had a very good relationship with the IA and being VP to Ines helped alot with getting their support
JH: 2. What is your stance towards EDEN and Phoenix?

MM: My stance is simple. We as a country are in no position to join either side. I know that it is sometimes tempting, but where we are boarding eBrazil and eAustralia leave us in a position where we are literally between a rock and a hard place. We have a very good relationship with eBrazil. I know that people tend to find this strange, but it is a fact. Brazil has always been willing to help us. I would like us to have great relations with both alliances but in reality that will always be a hard line to walk.

JH: 3. What plans do you have for South Africa's military and domestic policies?

MM: I would honestly like to expand the military. During my terms as Commander of the Pretorian Vanguard I saw the power of the military to unite people and to keep people actively involved in the game and country. It was one of the main tools to help keep eSouth Africans together during exile. I want to see the military serving this purpose more. Uniting people under a common goal to do good in the eWorld. As a priority domestically I will focus on population growth. I plan to create a new ministry whose main task will be to increase our size. They will do this through the use of articles or whatever means they need. We need to let the world know that eSA is a great place to be. I will also be focusing on the development of newer players that show a degree of talent and activity. I plan to call this the Accelerated Development Program (ADP). It will basically be a mentorship program aimed at developing future leaders of the country. I want my presidency to focus on more than the current. I hope to implement policies and systems that will help eSA way into the future
JH: Question 4. This is a hypothetical scenario. You are President. Brazil comes to ask you to let them through to attack Aus again. If you do so, Sol will expel you. If you do not, you are at war with Brazil. What do you do?

MM: Well, that is kind of a hard one. I would not give up the regions willingly. They would have to fight for it and I would have to go on the hope of Brazil understanding that this is only done in the interest of our own neutrality. So basically, if they want to put us in that situation then they must come and take it, but eSA will not let it happen without a fight

JH: 5. You are President. Somehow, South Africa experiences a massive babyboom of 3000 people. How would you make sure these babies do not die?

MM: Well you can't force a person to play the game. You can only hope to catch their interest enough for them to keep on playing. Obviously mentorship plays a major role in this as well as the eSAHC. Beyond that I believe that it is important to get players involved in the running of the country. It all goes back to the Accelerated Development Program and my plans to increase the Military through things like raffles, IRC, Forum, Ministry of FUN and soforce would play a major role but if you can't show the new player that if they work hard perhaps becoming president one day is not just a unrealistic dream.

JH: 6. What are your immediate goals as President, meaning goals to be accomplished in the first 5 days?

MM: Besides getting a cabinet up to speed with changes that are to take place I will more than likely focus on Foreign Policy. We need to cool the situation down with eAust.

JH: 7. Do you plan on running for more than one term?

MM: That is a question that I can only answer once I have finished this one. I hope to but let’s see.
JHL 8. How do you plan to patch up relations between you and the Aussies?

MM: At the moment all I see from the Aussies is hostility. I hope that this is not the feeling of the whole country. Short of letting them through to attack eBrazil all that can be done is to show them that we can be friends. This was done during Ines' term by dispatching our army to assist them. From what you see in comments by Aussies this had very little effect, but offering a hand of friendship should be persistent.