Some Inconvenient Truths.

Day 1,047, 15:47 Published in Ireland Ireland by Dubhthaigh

Good evening, citizens. I come back to comment on some things I see in the Media. Read on if you like.

Inconvenient Truth One: Nothing has changed.

Those promising 'change' have few, if any real ideas for the better. The whole damn election is like a comedy that hits the theatre every month - except its not funny anymore. Even the title stays the same - "Vote for change." Seriously guys, a good president could come up with something move inventive.

I have seen criticism of the IDF from two presidential candidates and one political commentator. As I have not been around much I am sure there has been a whole lot more in addition to this. Well:

Inconvenient Truth Two: The idea that the IDF structure was outdated, insufficient or at fault for failure over the last few weeks is farcical, untrue and no better than fiction.

I'm sorry, but thats just the way it is. The IDF is based heavily on the UK military - the very people who thwarted us. Having been in the eUK military and having created the current IDF system, I know what i'm talking about. The system works, is simple, and probably one of the best around.

So why does the IDF suck?

Inconvenient Truth Three: Any system is only as strong as the people in it.

Or perhaps more relevantly - those who can be bothered to be a part of it. Whilst a few dedicated players tried their best throughout the duration of the new IDF, 2 of the 3 IDF critics did not report for one battle, sign up, or take the induction test. This leads me on to my next point:

Inconvenient Truth Four: Most of the people who are criticising and proposing change have absolutely no clue idea what they are talking about.

It's actually beyond funny now. Why do they even bother? Although, what isn't amusing is that a large number of people lap it up like it's the finest f***ing champagne around. Why must this country be the proverbial 'gullible kid in the playground.'

Perhaps I should list some real reasons why we lost:

1. Too many enemies.
2. Too many Irish in paramilitaries - before, this caused a lack of central command on the field, then/now it means that the IDF doesnt have the manpower to produce what it needs.
3. People didnt bother to carry out the system properly, especially since a quartermasters office was never created.
4. Its impossible to perpetually hold a non-original region.

What I am fed up with seeing:

1. People who do little or nothing to improve the country when its in need, yet suddenly feel able to help around election time.
2. People who play on popular notions like 'Army sucks' or 'we need more community.' You might as well just 'I have no real policies, so i'll pander to the common conception/what sounds good.
3. People who have no idea about, or have made no effort to change/take part in the things they criticise

What I want to see in a presidential candidate:

1. Someone who has offered changes for the better, even when they arent running for office.2
2. Someone who has attempted to institute their changes.
3. Someone capable of instituting change.
4. Someone able to stick to their principles, even when the tide of media absurdity is against them.
5. Someone who can inspire a sense of community in Ireland.
6. Someone who will/did not prostitute themselves to the public insanity and agree with absurd analyses of the situation.

The question you should ask yourself on election day is: Which candidate has actually done that?

/End Rant.