Some General APP News

Day 347, 04:37 Published in USA Canada by Citizen HEM

Hey everyone, I wanted to annouce. Firstly, if you are in the AAP and not on our forums I want to really urge you to join. It helps the party stay united and communications are a higher decree better. Registering is free and it is a pretty good forum if I do say so myself.

There is a link at the bottom of the page, go there and register, trust me, you won't be disappointed.

Also, I have annouced I will be running for a second term as Party President. I feel I have made huge inroads from my agenda, and while everything was not accomplished I think we are making some serious progress on my agenda.

The AAP also officially supports Uncle Sam for Country President. This choice of an endorsement was made by the party in a vote.

Thanks everyone to reading, if you have any questions feel free to contact me.