Some explanations

Day 823, 03:50 Published in USA Lithuania by Browlis

Hello everybody!

Firsly, I want to apologise for my MAYBE bad English, because I born and in RL live in Lithuania.

What are You doing here?

Good question. I have came to USA because I got bored everywhere.. I born in Lithuania - Bored.. I lived in Indonesia - Bored.. I lived in Switzerland - Bored.. I lived in Lithuania again - Bored.. I done many great jobs in these countries. Now I want to live in USA...

Why should we trust you?

Ah, I don't really know.. Indonesia and Switzerland trusted me, so now it's your time to trust me.. I PROMISE, that I will try to do many great jobs for USA.. So, do You trust me?

What do You need here?

Good question again.. I just want to play without getting Bored.. I think in USA, I am going to live long.. I predict, that I will get bored in, hmm, 6 months.. So I will have plenty of time to prove, that I want only good for USA..

Ok, if we trust You, what are You going to do?

Firsly, I'm going to find a job, join a party and.. And if I get a citizenship, will place my Congress candidature.. I know, that can shock You, but I can swear, that I want only good for USA..


Every time in my articles there will be a comic question. You will answer in the comment section.. After writing a new article, I will pick 3 best comments, screenshot them and put into my article..

By the way, You will think those comic questions... Yes, You.. When You think some cool Comic questions, You just have to PM me it.. So, waiting for your comic questions till the other article!

Thank You for your attentiont!

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Respectfuly, Browlis.