Soldiers of EDEN

Day 1,160, 04:36 Published in Greece Ireland by columbia

Here I present you some of the tanks of EDEN

1.-Chuck Norris-
With strenght more than 4300 our enemies should be scared because he knows how to destroy turkey by himself and reach till Iran

the tank from out of space,no earth man scares him

he has almost taken his 18th SS,should admins change training Napoleon into training Durruti?

with more than 3300 strenght although he aswers if you call him puppy we all know that he is not an ordinary puppy

with the strenght of more than 3500 he is not only a tank,he is a religion

strenght 3400,he doesn't need to be called tank,his the one carrying the tanks

strenght 4102,pfff man!!!how much hour do you spend on gym every day?

almost 3900 strenght,so we could say that stanleysts is not just a tank,he is a whole army by his own

when this soldier of more than 3800 strenght is on the battlefield you just sit on his shadow

are you kidding me?with more than 4200 strenght you are not a simple tank you are some dozzens of mini tanks

strenght 3850,any region bothers him,he just destroy it in one shot to walk through it

strenght almost 3900,one thing this guy knows well is how to scare his enemies,you don't want to piss him of

who said that only men are tanks?every girl should be jeallous of this amazon of 3600 strenght

after all this,one is the coclusion