Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato walk into the Agora

Day 2,333, 10:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Massacar

So Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato walk into the Agora...

Socrates turns to Aristotle and asks, "What is Courage?"

A- "That which is said of a subject having some trait, courage, is a category of being..."

Socrates- "Well that's a poor reply,"

A- "You didn't let me fin-"

S-"Plato, what have you to say on the matter?"

Both looking to Plato to hear what the founder of the Academy of Athens may have to say on the topic. With a sligh grin, he prepared his response.

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P.S. I understand that these three wouldn't have all been alive at the same time to have this debate, it's purely for the LOl's
I do not claim any credit for the creation of the images shown above.