So, you think you’re smart?

Day 935, 18:31 Published in USA USA by Necrosis
Prove it.

Run for congress this month. This last month I, in my capacity as Speaker of the House, and a congressman, have proposed changed that have changed how things work. Just a few hours ago we removed all forum based legislation apart from the constitution and budget. This is a massive step; congress now has a clean slate to work from, and deal with the challenges we will no doubt face with the looming implementation of V2 of eRepublik.

To best face those challenges, we will need you. Yes, you, reading this article. Firstly, if you’re subscribed to this paper, I’m going to have to assume you’re of above average intelligence, which is more than can be said for some congressmen. Thats a good start. Next, get a good grasp of game mechanics, as I’ll be shoving them down your throat if you start to deviate from them. You might be into that kind of thing, if so, then it’ll get shoved somewhere you don’t want it.

In the past, congress has been the laughing stock of the nation. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks working hard to attempt to change this state of affairs. With your help, I aim to continue changing this. During the time I am spending as Speaker of the House, I will be working hard to make sure that congress doesn’t mess up, does a good job, and is actually deserving of praise. We’re getting there. I’m not going to lie to you, we have a way to go. This is why I need you.

With the looming changes that v2 will bring, we need competent, smart, and active people in congress. America needs that, I need that, and, most importantly you need it. Without a decent congress dealing with things, it will negatively affect your gaming experience.

Join up today. Help do something to propel America to greatness. Oh, and more importantly, help me lower my blood pressure so I stop getting angry at bad posts and stupid mistakes.

It’s time to nut up or shut up.

I am Dio. You are Dio. We are Dio.