So you think you're good enough?

Day 705, 16:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by Krimpiekat

eUS Airborne has approved a program whereby troops from foreign countries can volunteer for a week's training with Airborne.

During this week you will be subjected to daily rollcall and orders to which you have to respond or get booted from the program.
You will be a fully qualified member of AB for that week. This means you're under the command of an Airborne officer and his XO. It also means you get supplied like the rest of the Airborne units. My supplies for the Nunavut battle: 10 x Q3 and 5 x Q2 weapons. Although typically it's 10 x Q1 for the less important battles.

When the week is over, you will be supplied with a free ticket back home again. Even if you didn't pass the course.


Strength 10
High activity
Should be willing and able to move to the US for the 5 days
Work at an Airborne company like the rest of us
Willing to join #airborne on IRC although it is not a critical requirement

If you want to volunteer for this program, contact Ali and let him know that you are interested.