So what did i do today .......well.

Day 1,155, 06:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mini Munch

The last 24hr has been frantic. I have signed up to countless websites creating accounts endlessly. Finally I am now complete and I am in the army. The simple process of joining the army was made so much more difficult by me trying to manage three companies as well as organizing my mates to vote and work etc. In the long exhausting process I have moved country and then back, signed up to IRC and an Army Portal thingy.

If you are thinking about joining the army and you are unsure and what I have said about the work involved has in some way put you off then Trust me it’s worth it. After all the work I put it the reward seems so much sweeter. Health/Wellness and strike packs are just what you need to raise the ranks and make the eRepublik experience more fun.

I also recommend joining UKRP as the PP of the party and many of the members were incredibly helpful when joining and getting me into the forums. I have been in UKRP since I was able to join a party and have received no end of help from the members. Becoming active on the forums and IRC is a great way to get help.