So there I was...

Day 1,166, 17:02 Published in South Africa South Africa by Krimpiekat

In the past I've been asked to run for CP several times. Each time I refused. I am not a politician, I'm too honest in that sense. If you annoy me, I'll let you know. In detail.

This time though it is different. I just have this feeling that I should do it. Time to step up to the plate and do something useful for a change.

I'm not going to make a bunch of empty promises that I cannot keep. I will not tell you what an awesome person I am with a list of meaningless titles behind my name. I could do that if needed, but I wont.
I won't even claim to be the best person for the job, cause I'm not, but I do have the best people for every niche on my side. That's what I do best. What I've been doing in several military units since I started playing the game. Find the best people for each job.

You won't be voting for me, you'll be voting for yourself, for eSouth Africa and a group of the best, most skilled people in the game.

During the next couple of days I will introduce them to you as well as share my platform with you.
Some of the choices may not be so popular, but if you can show me that my justification for my choice is wrong then I will change it.

It's a democracy after all