So it begins!

Day 1,091, 16:09 Published in Canada Canada by Duke Leto

Yesterday, I wrote about how if the admins muzzled public opinion. I said that the admins are what we can compare to a modern day Maximillian Robespierre, a man whose values changed as his rise to power grew. Ladies and gentlemen the admins have shown their true intentions. They have deleted another penguin comic which criticized the admins actions.

Ladies and gentlemen, Voltaire once wrote “Crush the infamous thing!” That infamous thing was the church’s power over the people, not Catholicism itself. I too utter these words, not towards my religion, but towards the fascists who control what we speak; what we think; what we know; what we have a right to! They are not the state, nor King Louis XIV, merely people who know how to code.

Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to take up arms against those who oppress us. They must learn that this is OUR game not THEIRS. Yes they made it, but we are the life line and the only reason why they exist! If it was not for us, they would be doing other things.
The admins are like a dog that pulls on a leash to go the way they want. This “dog”, if you will, is taking us down a path we would rather not take; a one way path with one known destination which is fascism. We would much rather go down the path with exits, loops and variety which is our freedom of speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, I implore you. Do not buy gold. When the admins say, “Jump!” You say, “No, you first! That cliff looks dangerous.” Refuse their rule. Refuse their tyranny. The despots must pay! Vive la revolution! Long live the eProletarians.