Small, business and promotional ads (Indonesia)

Day 648, 03:05 Published in Indonesia Serbia by novoselac

Here are my first addressing Indonesians since I was already on several occasions addressed the Serbs in Serbian I decided to get started this newspaper issue in Indonesia in English.

In this newspaper you can advertise your products, seek, sell, ... For a start I will not have any but one of my ads.

The newspapers will be located next to the ad and two columns.


Read the best newspaper right here.

Foreign exchange:

Currency | 1gold= | 1=

IDR | 31.700 | 0.032

BRL | 32.258 | 0.032

USD | 54.89 | 0.019

RUB | 27.917 | 0.036

Buy the cheapest:

Q1 Q2

Food 0.025 0.05

Gifts 0.06 0.15

Weapons 0.15 0.3

Moving tickets 0.35 1.1

Prices are given in gold, but the agreement may pay in the IDR.

The agreement could Q3, Q4 and Q5 of all products.

All the information menu on the PM, the link:

Thank you for reading.

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