Slovakia gains HIGH regions

Day 720, 01:09 Published in Hungary Hungary by xongorx

You may say, that Slovakia has been destroyed. There are crying babies, demolished bridges, burning homes and similar creepy stuff published in all kinds of newspapers around the globe.

But let's try another eyeglass and watch the situation differently:

- locally produced grain resource is now available for Slovakian food companies
- locally produced iron resource is now available for Slovakian weapon companies.

Have you ever wondered your country could have these resources by its own? Obtain high grain and high iron regions at a same time in a single day? I doubt that. All this at a bargain price of 5 Gold? C'mon! Others are spending thousands to tank battles that are eventually lost, hundreds to invest in trading licenses that are blocked by a mouseclick of some warmonging President.

Loosing battles can be painful. Loosing a country even more.
But in every mishap, there is an opportunity. Take it and enjoy your stay
Uhorsko welcomes all Slovakians.
