Slight Changes - ChuggaChugg

Day 509, 13:55 Published in Mexico United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, the train keeps going. Pretty soon, it'll go Choo Choo.

Now, for today's events:

1. I've gone through and restructed the units in the Military a bit to show actual unit assignments. Check the forums and get your orders from the Commanders. I've moved pvr from Los Salvadores (with 3 people) and combined a few units to show our actual numbers. Please, Commanders, MoD, etc please get in contact with your units.

2. A friend of mine has come over to help train our military. Let's all welcome Relic, and old friend of mine from overseas. He'll be supervising our Tank Unit and training a couple of younger players in battle from abroad.

3. The Northeast now has a tentative date for return from Portugal, which only hinges on their Medal bidding. It shall be returned in roughly 10 days or so, scheduling April 22nd for now. Stay tuned for more announcements.

4. The OBM has released it's first weekly report on expenses. I promised that I would keep all Government spending transparent and will continue to do so. All MXN and Gold will be accounted for, to ensure that we're not out spending money that isnt ours.

5. Congressional Reports: Miguel has published our first "Mexican Law", on refusing to agree to proposals not debated at the forums. To all Congressmen, please read this carefully and simply post why you're doing something in the forums. There, we can debate, come to a group decision, and pass good laws.

6. We're scheduled for another donation to the OBM in about 3 days, when we hit the 10K MXN mark. If someone with proposals left would keep an eye on the forums, and propose to donate 8K of it to Organizacion Bancaria Mexicana at that time.

7. Foreign Affairs are working well at the moment. We have established relationships with the Philippine Government (neutral) and have continued strong communication with our allies in PEACE. We have also maintained and improved out relationship with the US through communication with Scrabman and has administration, and are working out a more permanent solution to the War between us.

8. Military Training: Starting this week, I will be taking a more vigorous role in our Military, ensuring we are training units. I'll reiterate something I said during the campaign: I want at least one unit of our troops overseas, under eMexican authority at all times training in Resistance Wars or Battling alongside our allies. This is the only way we'll build an experienced military. For the military as it stands, if the Commander isnt as active as I'd like, I'm going to replace him with someone who is going to take more pride in his work.

As you can see, things are looking up.


President of Mexico