Skynet's True Objective

Day 996, 15:04 Published in USA USA by Daks
Intercepted Skynet Traffic:

I have stumbled upon some very important in formation, which really it's the only way I would know this cause I wouldn't go actively looking for this. The previous picture is not one of any importance it's just I wasn't able to get the one with proof, as they say "I dun' goofed". But I can assure you that the information that I have is of vital importance.

We know Skynet in on a rampage of the new world taking countries left and right, and that their ultimate goal is to take over and kill every unique citizen. But we don't know why, why would they do this, what is the point of taking over, to what end, ect. Have you noticed how many ads and articles with half naked women? Of course you have, so did you ever wonder why that is? Yes that's right, Skynet is after our wimmnez (or women for those not up with internet speak).

This is what it wants our women [yes Skynet is a giant nerd who can't get a date], it will do anything to get them so it can get our women to do stuff for it, with it, and near it. You know, Skynet's Laundry, HTML, C++ GUI, polish it's large amounts of metal, and so on, but worst of all...


We must stop this from accruing at all cost. Defend our wimmenz! Kill Skynet!

But how do we do this you ask, stop the needless clicking on half naked women ads and stop looking at articles that objectify women, these are distractions from Skynet and misguided boys who have fallen for Skynet's trap.