Situation in japan

Day 465, 00:22 Published in Japan Paraguay by SATZU

Things have changed fast and mostly positive, unemployment is not a problem anymore thanks to many company owners that have begun to offer more jobs. Prices have gone to very low when compared to wages. But still there is a problem with wellness and somethings on the market.

I offer gifts on the market under my own production cost, and still I cant get them sold. What is the matter with people so that they cant spend 4,12 JPY / gift to increase wellness of japanese citizen? When you buy gift you cant give it to yourself, but there must be some friend that can help you. Donate the gift to your friend who promises to offer it back to you, I have done this with many of my friends, and for that reason I also have 100 wellness very often.

The gifts I am selling are going lot under production cost, producing one gift costs about 5,5 JPY to me at this point. But still no buyers. Why not?

You should really start increasing your wellness, if no one else doesnt want to offer them back to you, buy gift, donate to me, I will offer it back. So your wellness will increase. I want japan to be healthy country and for that reason I am selling underprised gifts, not for profit, for greater good.

Also, support japanese food by buying DTE Japan Food Q4 rather than some brazil food that is produced with underwaged employees and underprised grain! DTE Japan Food Q4 sells 100% japanese producted food, every grain has been farmed here in Japan the whole time I have owned the company.

Global Food Japan Q4

Be careful with the country food comes from!!! Home sweet home, yea?

DTE Japan

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