Sir_c0nstant- Cabinet and policies

Day 806, 04:53 Published in Australia Australia by Sir_c0nstant

My Cabinet

Deputy Prime Minister- Xavier Griffith
Everyone needs someone to look up to, when XG speaks everyone listens, so I can’t think of a better person to be my Deputy.

Minister of Foreign Affairs- Cottus_Arci
deputy- Brenflakes

Cottus_Arci, nuff said. Brenflakes is one of the few non-ANP people that I would waste a vote to get into senate, he has a sense of pride in his work and I feel this position can only increase his reputation in eAustralia.

This department is our eyes and ears to the world, allies and enemies alike.
Our alliances are important to us so I will start with Sol first, we are in Sol to help our region build up strength through war games and protect each other from military conquests, this is valuable to our region and us and for those reasons there will be no change.
EDEN, I am pro –EDEN, it is our primary defence to Indonesia and as such should be treated as our primary alliance. I will allow the forces of eAustralia to help in any way possible to the Command of EDEN, to combat Phoenix.
MPP’s I can see the reason behind most of the MPP’s except Canada, last time Canada/US was attacked they immediately did a land swap, which meant we couldn’t fight, I would prefer letting this expire to save money or to MPP with Poland or Romania countries with a larger fighting force and more battles.

Minister of Defence-Cerb
Deputy-Mack Craft

DB-Jasper Ferguson

I propose 3 small changes to the military,
Dropbears will be opened up to generals and at least be strength 12.
Field Marshall Dropbears at present do not get a weapon provision, but since Lana and strength training there is another avenue to advance now, so with senate approval and to encourage these soldiers to stay and work in eAustralia, I would propose that the senate opens up a discussion on how to retain and increase the db's damage potential, ideas would include getting paid an increased wage up to $50aud(1 gold) on top of a basic wage for working in a GFC, a threashold will have to be put on this(costly and would have to be capped). This would not only free up some workers to the private sector, but also get some of our higher skilled workers back into the country
Private militias, these are a wait and see, on one hand they help train our forces, but at the expense of taking workers from the private sector. So a medium has to be reached as to how many would be sustainable to enable businesses to remain profitable.
WAR- well as you know attacking Indo is just sheer folly, we would only be feeding their blood lust and would gain us no real advantage. Our main and only other form of war is on our western border, helping eSouth Africa remove the South American scum of Brazil and Argentina from their soil, so as soon as I am elected I will contact the respective leaders and lay down our requests for the month ahead.

Minister of Finance- Dark Vorodor
Deputy- Savonrepus

Vorodor has got superglue on his butt and can’t leave the office I’m afraid.
Savonrepus has been in finance a couple of times now, and I respect his judgement in financial matters the more I speak with him, he does his job quietly and without fuss so has a reputation of not being active, but he does lurk in the deepest darkest corners of IRC and you only have to call his name there.

Minister of Industry- Adam Creedy
Deputy- Infin

Adam Creedy is older than a lot of people think and has held this position before, he will do a good job. Infin is new to cabinet, he has shown great knowledge in business since he started and this position will give him a great insight to the working of cabinet for the future.

The economy is stuck in a time warp, at present the only reason the gov has any money is because the admins recovered our gold from the bank theft.
Back when I started getting interested in politics the gold print on 2nd April was 100 gold to get $20,000 aud, This January it was 440 gold and $88,000 aud, (it did reach a high of 650 gold) this needs to be addressed as using gold up to fund GFC (government funded companies) can not carry on at this levels. This gold now has to be saved to keep our MPP’s active and we now have to start looking at outside avenues to create wealth for the government, 2 easy ways include government loans to aussie business to expand at low interest rates and also to allow/release funds to create hedge funds to play the monetary markets (this doesn’t have to be the MoF, but a person with a proven record in this area).

co Ministers of Information - Dartreal
co Ministers of Information - Darth spader

These 2 are up and coming citizens, so I have decided to give them co- ministerial ship of this department to provide an unbiased record of the weekly records in government.

Minister of ICS- Whitelaughter
codMoICS- Coreyblake
codMoICS- Guy Baumber

I’m standing behind Whitelaughter, he has such an enthusiasm for the game it can be infectious at times, this guy keeps coming up with ideas, admittedly most are like WTF, but every now and then you get a real corker, that’s why he is in my cabinet.
Coreyblake and Guy are co deputy ministers to gain experience and to assist and keep an eye on WL’s moves, probably the toughest job in the cabinet.

Ministry of Education and Social Development
MoENr- Ranger_Bob
dMoENr- Aussie_bloke/Lews
dMoENr- Jamescosten

Ok now on to the new ministry, I’ve asked Ranger to help set up and look after this area as it combines his desire to get the redbacks involved by giving them a reason and specific tasks to perform. AB has been chosen as deputy because of his work in Auseaid and general enthusiasm for helping other. James has been chosen to complete the team because he has shown initiative in the education area. This ministry has the potential to grow even bigger so extra ministers may be required.
The education side will include the 3 schools, Bootcamp, Senate school and a new school business/game mechanics (the business school will be either a q1 food or q1 gift co, senate approval required for q1 food). Each school will have a “teacher” and should ideally run regular classes depending on interest.
Social development will include the eMentor scheme where by each new citizen will be contacted when they reach lvl 3, so far this has been an on/off affair but needs to be back in place and a regular feature by the time any possible boom arrives and Easter when the next school holidays are. Our retention rate is awful and an increase of 5-10 new citizens that stay each day will relieve a lot of market wage pressure.
The redbacks fit into this scheme in 2 ways first the business school will make use of the q1 food for special missions, and second the q1 gifts will be used to help gift the army (dropbears) to enable them to fight an extra fight.
The redbacks are renown for their social activities and so I envisage them to also help promote other activities like the erepolympics, ANCA and stary city casino.

Well I hope that whets your appetite, and provides enough reasons to vote for me of the 5th, and as promised on my last article some piccies for the ladies and gents.

A pair of Boobies

A man with big balls. (As you can see I have no idea what a women wants)