Singapore is PTO

Day 829, 09:11 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace

Yep, it's true. Multi-accounters have succesfully taken the majority of our congress. This is always really annoying, as it was obviously planned and we now have over 72 players in Singapore, that are multi-accounts, which only leaves Singapore with around 400 players, which had before. So this mini-babyboom is not good. I ask all citizens of Singapore to report the people in congress from places 4-9. All 6 are PTO'ers. We just need one real congress member to vote the wrong way, and the bad thing could happen to Singapore ie. Presidential impeachment.

In other news, but staying around the same topic, almost every other country in the south east of Asia has been PTO'd. We have reason to beleive it was Serbia, helping Indonesia and Russia. This is actually upsetting that a country in erepublik could plan this, around 4 countries have been PTO'd. We will work with felloew SOL and south east Asian nations to help try and get rid of these scum.

I think that The south east as a collective need to get EVERY citizen to report ALL PTO'ers in each country, some agreement should be worked out by presidents, and representives for these countries.

Just thought I'd let you know, what had happened. I'll probably edit this article giving links on who to report. I'd like to thank those that voted for me, and made me for the majority of the day, leading in votes.


Report these guys, they are PTO'ers:

Han Solo SG
Brother John II
ronnie delbasco

Thanks! Don't let Singapore lose 🙁 Serch them and report.

Thedark ace

Beat out PTO'ers!