SICP - PP Election

Day 694, 08:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Dawber
Join the SICP!

Party president Stevie has asked me to write up something before the party president elections, he won't be standing and at the moment your only choice is me 🙂 Still, I feel that I should communicate with you all telling you what I'm about and what this party will be about in future.

It seems a long time since a couple of us got together in a corner of the internet and decided we could make a damn fine go of politics. It was something new to me, and I threw myself into it with great gusto. The party has grown at a wonderful rate, a testament to the hard work put in by everyone. It really has been a pleasure.

In terms of my work, I have done a lot of recruiting, set up and run the party newspaper, more recruiting, signed up to and read the forums, more recruiting, posted regularly on our forum, and a lot more recruiting. I will continue to do this whether or not I am elected to party president.

However. As party president I will be the first port of call for anyone that wants to get in touch with the party. I will do my best to promote good inter-party relations, if we get support from other left-wing parties that can only be a good thing, and if we aim towards mutual respect with right-wing and centre parties that will do us well. It's one specific thing that I want to work on, as I think that's an area where we can improve.

Next thing, I want us to at least remain the 7th biggest party in the eUK. We got 50 members in just over a month, and that was with very few reasons to join us. Now that we have a developed manifesto, active members, a party forum, and experienced members, there are more reasons to join us, and hopefully more people will. I will continue to personally do my best to attract people to the party, but I will also be encouraging other party members do the same, if we have about 70 members then it shouldn't be too hard to get a few people helping me.

Other reasons to vote for me include:

I know the mechanics of the game pretty well, and also the current political issues quite well
I've nearly gained my 2nd consecutive hard-worker medal, proving that I am active
I promise to make an effort to remain active on the eRep forum and IRC
I do my best to keep new users active, even if they don't show an interest in joining the party, to make the UK stronger
I try to help other people enjoy this game, and I enjoy it myself!

Thanks for reading, I'm really looking forward to taking us forward, you can be a part of that too! Join our forum and be active!