SICP - Our foreign policy

Day 693, 15:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Dawber
Join the SICP!

We have idealogies in our manifesto. Nothing is easy in politics though, we must fight hard for what we believe in and set achievable goals which will make a big difference in the way that this country is run. So let's expand on our policies.


We support PEACE. Having trustworthy protectorates is always beneficial, and having that many is great. 4 out of the 6 most populated countries are in PEACE, having those world powers as allies can only be a good thing. As long as we can trust them, and as long as we can be trusted by them, it is beneficial to us. Of course, there are also small nations in PEACE, and they need our protection if another nation attacks them. Not only would this be an oppurtunity to test our country's strength, we will gain reputation on the world stage, and having a real war can interest and excite some of the newbies. It would cost to fight against aggressors in that situation, but building positive relations is important for us, as the eUK isn't generally one of the more liked nations.

But we need to be trusted by nations in and out of PEACE. The backlash of our war against Norway has been large. Neutral nations are wary of us, but can't do anything because we are in PEACE. That could be looked on as a good thing, we won't be attacked because we are in PEACE, but that's not the way the SICP want the eUK to be seen by the world. We want to not be attacked because we are respected by the world. Of course, that can't be done easily or quickly, but we would not damage our reputation even more by declaring a needless war and being openly aggressive to a nation that has done nothing to provoke it. We realise that war can drive the economy upwards, and keep players interested in the game, but damaging the eUK's reputation could counteract both of those positives.

We need to build relations with neutral countries as well. We'll do our best to keep our existing treaties, Ireland, Italy and Canada should all be kept on-side, I don't see any problems that should arise there. But we should maintain good relations with neutral countries, just to be generally regarded as a decent country. Our position as Observer in Sol should be maintained, regular contact with them should be made.

Despite being enemies of EDEN and having differing viewpoints on many issues, we should still keep open relations with them, staying in contact and debating in a sensible manner. The PEACE/EDEN divide does not prevent us from having relations with EDEN members. It will undoubtedly be difficult, but we have to try.

So, there's our foreign policy. Thanks for reading!