SICP - Our Education Policy

Day 681, 11:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jack Dawber
Join the SICP!

We have idealogies in our manifesto. Nothing is easy in politics though, we must fight hard for what we believe in and set achievable goals which will make a big difference in the way that this country is run. So let's expand on our policies.


If I remember correctly, I had only one or two messages from the government when I was new. It educated me but I had to find out most of the stuff myself, it would have been easier and, dare I say it, more enjoyable if I'd have had an actual person to guide me through it. Many people will say that it is a player's prerogative to find things out about the game, read the wiki, join the forum etc, and say that the onus is on them to find out what they can get from the game. But who knows how many people have become inactive that could have been great contributors to this country, if only they knew where the forum was, or how much depth there is to this game. We could have had Congressmen, PM's, and even just 2-clickers that have given up on the game before they even knew what was going on.

What will we do?

The Department that will control this sector will have to be thorough, dedicated, and approachable. It is a big job but it is one that could help the country no end, by keeping users active. The eUK has had no problem in the past in getting people to join up, it's keeping them here that's been the issue. I'm sure each PM has tried to solve this problem, but we will dedicate a lot of resources to it. Spreadsheets will be used to keep track of new players, and department members will be assigned a group of users that they will offer help to, a friendly offer of help rather than an official one. Users will be told key points about staying alive, but encouraged to communicate back with their "buddy" to keep them interested and active.

People will say that this is surely unfeasible, yet more government time 'wasted'. But there are always people that want to get involved in politics, and it would be a great first step for them to be involved in this department, helping new users, and at the same time gaining the respect and trust of the community. It would be a great oppurtunity for them, and when the users that they have 'guided' come of age, they will surely have a band of supporters that would support them in any future congress elections.

So, that's the first of our policies expanded upon. Thankyou for reading!