Shut up!! Stop the senseless chatter and go to WAR!!!

Day 464, 21:23 Published in USA USA by ghvandyk

-- On the Article: "Scrabman's VP running mate ... the envelope please?"

Envelope! WHO CARES! Niether Scrabman nor the stupid PrincessWanaDieXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx are going to do anything productive except spend all their time on the forums bullsh$%ing about which "cabinet member cronies" they are going to put as "Secretary of eWeddings" and "Secretary of Idiocy."

Even worse are the commenters... the blind sheep following the people who are probably 11 year olds from Romania or Suburban America where their mommies make them go to bed by 8pm and they ask "is that eRepublik time..hehe" ...someone kill me....

-- On the minimum wage retarded discussions

1 USD! thats it. This is not the real world people. Get off your high horses of self-rightousness where they lead you to think you are helping "the little people" who are newbies...
I have a company that I worked my a%$ off for and it is hard in an awesome country like the eUS to remain competitive. LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!
Stop arguing about it you POS a@$%%$holes and lets turn discussion to important matters....war!

-- On war with Mexico (and War Policy in General)

Lets do it! Hell I live in Texas in eRepublik and RL and I love Mexico... but one thing some people don't get is that this is not real, its a political and economic game. So let's invade Mexico as the stepping stone on our way to World Conquest. OMG! Did he just say that!

You can have economic, political, physical conquests: we should invade who is not with us, especially those who are weak. We should pressure and eventually invade those who have protectionist governments. And we should Allign ourselves with people of the same caliber and similar economic powers (Romania, Norway, etc).

Vote it up please! And message me if you think I should be ranting about something!

