Shout, shout, let it all out!

Day 1,155, 10:41 Published in USA USA by Citizen 6
Yup ... Everybody wants to rule the world!

Citizens were alarmed to discover today that they can shout. I mean, a lot!

The gods that be have declared that you now have at your disposal up to 30 shouts, a drastic increase from the previous allotment. Only problem is ... they are utterly worthless. Why? Well, because the right side of your Home Page is now nothing but an endless barrage of incoherent ramblings, largely disjointed, and without context. Be warned, staring too long at the various @ signs is known to cause vertigo and in some cases, uninhibited sexual release.

"For heaven's sake, why not just create a chat page and spare us the leg work of trying to decipher a conversation from jumbled comments often unrelated to each other and buried under five pages of shouts within the first couple of minutes," shouted the confused masses wandering through the streets of the New World only moments before passing out due to increased levels of hyperventilation.

Of course, those of us with no friends might not notice too much of a change. But let's face it, those people are kinda scary, no?

But ...

On the up-side, apparently so-called "late-nighters" can now communicate easily without shout clutter, thus allowing them to once again "get their groove on".

You dig?