Should we really help Poland conquer Scotland

Day 1,747, 08:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hristo Gonev


This is my very first article. First, let me say something about myself! I am Hristo Gonev and I am actually from Bulgaria, but I moved here 'cause I just love this country, so my English is not so good. I recently gained some gold and was wondering what to do with it, so I decided to create a newspaper.

So, should we fight for POLAND in Scotland, but not for ourselves, for THE UNITED KINGDOM! After all our attempts to overtake it, we just give up and let the Polish conquer our region.

As I already said Scotland BELONGS to the UK. It is a matter of honour to take it back. Another reason is that it has a Q5 HOSPITAL! This type of hospital can be used 5 times by each citizen and its durability is 25 000! There are 8 of there Q5 hospital on the marketplace in the eWorl😛 1 in Australia (98 038.24 GBP), 1 in Poland (99 008.91 GBP), 1 in Republic of Macedonia (98 038.24 GBP), 2 in Serbia (96 115.92 GBP and 99 008.91 GBP), 1 in Turkey (99 008.91 GBP), 1 in USA (98 038.24 GBP) and 1 ours (98 038.24 GBP). 4 of them (including ours) are selling by Nysa , who is Polish

Poland has already got 31 points in the battle, while Ireland has only 24! I think we all know which country is more likely to win.
Once Poland get over Scotland, we have no chance to conquer it. We had little chances to get it from Scotland, now, there is no way we can take it from Poland for 2 reasons: 1. We've got an alliance contract with Poland; 2. Even if we didn't have such a contract, our chances would be 0%.

Now, here are some facts about Polan😛
1. There are 10565 active citizens in Poland
2. The average citizen level is 24, the worlds' is 27
3. There are 37 regions in Poland
4. The treasury is 0.67 gold, but 721 098.19 PLN
5. We are fucked

I don't see any hope! What do you think about this war? Have you fought for Poland in it? Do you like my article?

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