Should we join EDEN(my opinion)

Day 892, 07:51 Published in China China by Jin-Jang

Greetings citizens of China, today i have thinked what would be the best for China, there is many different opinions in our population,i know, but today I ask the citizens of China for their opinion.......
We all have seen how much help we got from them, they have librated heilongjiang yesterday, and this is a very big thing, we all know that heilongjiang was under the rule of hungary for fast a whole year,and we finnaly have our high iron back, they fight on every battlefield for us.......
I am confident that they would help us in every way when we would be a part of great alliance called EDEN, we would have better economy, mch more gold and money, we would have much stronger military, our enemies would fear us........
China would get all their original territories back (and maybe we would take some russians)...
Now they are helping us a lot already, just imagine how we would be helped if we would join EDEN.....
China has proved her loyalty when they sent 650 citizens as help to Croatia, and this was a good sighn of cooperation between China abd EDEN.....
Member nations of EDEN are all our friend nations with we have very good relations,and our enemies are the enemies of EDEN too, so i dont see what stops us to join a great alliance as EDEN, they can only help us free our land........

Citizens of China I want to hear your opinion should there on EDEN symbol be one more great and strong flag,Chinese.

This article has nothing with the government od China, It is only my opinion, in which i want to see what people od China think...........

Chinese ambassador and deputy of MOFA