Should "trap companies" be allowed?

Day 695, 05:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by Krimpiekat

Most of the older players in eRepublik know by now what a "trap company" is.
A company with no other purpose than to kill of n00bs. The company put up a shedload of very high paying jobs, as the screenshot I took shows, at ridiculous salaries. New player X joins said company. After all, who would say no to a skill 1 job with a skill 7+ paycheck?


That's when the fun starts. The company either has no money in it to pay the players or no RM. N00b X keep getting a message that there's no RM or Money to pay him. After several attempts he either get's smart and see what happens if he click "resign" and look for a new job, or he just gives up and leave the game for good. The Spanish used this very successfully against the French recently. Stopped the French babyboom cold.

As a tactical tool it serves a very good purpose over the short term. Over the long term, detrimental to eRep as a whole. I bet none of those disheartened n00bs that left the game will turn into shining eRepublik ambassadors. They're probably out there, right now, telling their mates what a fscked up game it is.

My opinion? Ban such companies. Not only do we lose players, countries lose out on tax revenues...
And Mr Admin, how many of those players would have bought gold packs later on? Isn't that what's paying your salary?