shawkcn参选江苏议员/shawkcn Run For Congressman in Jiangsu

Day 703, 23:21 Published in China China by shawkcn


正是由于你们的支持,我获得了这为期一个月的议员任期。在这一个月时间里,我以议员和 信息部长的双重身份参与到国家事务的讨论与决策中去。众所周知,在这个月中,e中国经 历了许多的外交事件,不经意间就成为了世界几大势力的焦点。国力、军力都很弱小的e中 国,只能在众列强的夹缝间苦苦周旋支撑,为随时可能发生的灭国前景而提心吊胆。所幸, 由于政府内阁、议员们和外交人员的团结协作,e中国避免了亡国的命运,在多个MPP的 保护下,得以继续发展建设。但在这一系列事件中,e中国的弱小与无助表露无遗。

9月底,我们还沉浸在暂时排除了GOONS内忧的兴奋中,但紧接而来的就是众列强的外 患威胁。不管是内忧还是外患,e中国始终处在一个并不安全的境地。为什么会这样,就是 因为e中国仍然还是一个弱国、小国,e中国始终只是棋盘上的一个小棋子,没有完全决定 自己命运的能力。e中国需要的是建设,是发展,而不是内耗。我的目的仍然没有改变,那 就是:让我们一起,为一个富强繁荣、人人参与的e中国而努力!

同样的一句话,但经过了一个月时间,已经开始有了更深刻的理解。对于实际情况的了解使 得很多原来简单的想法现在有了更多的考虑。e中国是个弱国,没有很多的资本,经不起什 么折腾。对于各种问题,我会保持谨慎的思考方式,在详细的了解相关信息和谨慎的考虑之 后,我才会投出我宝贵的一票。对于那些暂时分辨不清利弊的问题,我会弃权,如同4天前 关于武器税的那个提案中我做的一样。


在外交方面,我会努力保持e中国的中立地位。除非现状有明显的改变,不然我认为保持中 立是对e中国的现状最有利的。任何对于e中国中立政策的改变都必须经过谨慎的研究。

在经济方面,我会站在普通国民的立场上来看待问题。对于每个提案,我会仔细聆听双方的 观点,收集大众的意见,以国民的利益为准绳,做出负责任的判断。如果实在难以了解实际 情况、做出判断,我认为弃权票才是最负责任的做法。

在军事方面,我支持现在国防部采取的小额奖励刺激军队成长的方案。这种花小钱办大事的 方法是现在贫弱的e中国不得不采取的方法。对于建立国有五星武器企业的建议,我认为目 前的e中国还没有足够的财力支撑,应该暂缓执行。对于私人武装力量(也许该叫“民团” ?),我乐于见到它们的发展。理由很简单,e中国的现状下,私人武装没有理由也不会对 国家造成威胁,不存在“太阿倒持”的状况。相反的,遇到紧急情况时,私人武装会是e中 国国家武装力量的一个很好辅助和补充。不花国家的钱,而能增强国家军力,何乐而不为?


最后,我想说的是,shawkcn或许不是一个最合适的议员人选,但至少他是一个认真 对待国事的人。他会谨慎的行使议员的权利,对于不负责任的提案,他会给予坚决的否定, 对于争议巨大的提案,他会深思熟虑后再做出判断。因为他知道,这是一个弱小的国家,这 个国家经不起太多的折腾。他知道,也许这个国家短期内都无法强大,但只有保留住国家的 基础,留下火种,才能有未来强大的希望。

请支持代表老外党在Jiangsu参选的shawkcn!他会信守承诺,对e中 国负责!


Thanks for my supporter in the last congress election.

Because of your support, I got the one-month term of congressman. In this month, I participated in the discussion and decision-making of state affairs as Minister of Information and a congressman. As we all know, in this month, eChina has experienced a lot of diplomatic events in the world. eChina became the focus of several major foreces. eChina was so weak that it can only hardly move with superpowers. Fortunately, due to the cabinet, congressmen and diplomats' hard working, eChina has avoided the fate of national subjugation, in a number of MPP's protection, eChina can continue the development and constrction. However, in this series of events, eChina's weakness and helplessness is so apparent.

By the end of September, we have temporarily ruled out the GOONS, without enough time for exciting, immediately foreign aggression was threating eChina. Whether internal problems or foreign aggression, eChina has always been in a dangerous place. Why? Because eChina is still a weak country, a small country. eChina has always been just a small piece on the board, it can not fully determine its own destiny. What eChina needs is to build, is the development, rather than the internal friction. My aim has not changed, that is: Let's Work Together to Build a Prosperous, Strong and All-member Participatory eChina!

The same sentence, but after a month of time, it has begun to have a more profound understanding. The actual understanding of the situation makes a lot of the original simple idea now have more consideration. eChina is weak, without a lot of capital, can not afford tosses. For a variety of questions, I will remain cautious way of thinking, in a detailed understanding of the relevant information, I will cast my precious vote. For those unclear pros and cons of the issue being resolved, I will abstain from voting, as 4 days ago on weapon tax proposal that I have done the same.


On the diplomatic front, I will strive to maintain eChina's neutrality. Unless there are significant changes in the status quo, or to remain neutral is best for eChina. Any change of eChina's policy of neutrality must go through careful research.

On the economic front, I will stand ordinary citizens. For each proposal, I will listen carefully to arguments on both sides to collect public views to the national interests as the criterion to make responsible judgments. If it is difficult to understand the actual situation and make judgments, I think that abstention is the most respinsible approach.

On the militar front, I support the plan of Department of Defense, to stimulate the growth of national armed forces with rewards is a good idea. The little expense will cause great effects. For the establishment of state-owned Q5 weapon company, I think the current eChina still do not have sufficient financial resources to support, it should be suspended. For the private armed forces, I am glad to see their development. The reason is simple, to eChina's current situation, the private armed forces won't threat the country. On the contrary, in case of emergency, the private armed forces will be national armed forces' good complement and supplement. Without spending the state's money, but can enhance the country's military, why not?

On the internal affairs front, I will be committed to the Chief of the open and transparent. On the one hand, as Minister of Information, I will inform the citizens the Government's decision-making in the form of notice; the other hand, as a congressman, I will put my knowledge about the background and circumstances relating to the proposal to tell you, as I said earlier in the "The analysis of October domestic proposals" . I'm still moving in a participatory eChina's goal.

Finally, I want to say, shawkcn may not be the most suitable candidate, but at least he treat national affairs seriously. He will be careful to use the congressman's rights. For the irresponsible proposal, he would give a firm negative, For a controversial proposal, he would deliberat and then make judgments. Because he knows that this is a small country, perhaps this country can not be strong in short-term, but only retain the basis of the country, leaving fire in order to have the hope of a strong eChina in the future.

Please support shawkcn in Jiangsu! He will honor its commitment, he will be loyal to eChina, and he will be responsible for eChina!

Let's Work Together to Build a Prosperous, Strong and All-member Participatory eChina!
