Shadow Wins, Congrats...

Day 2,049, 06:38 Published in Belgium Belgium by Konrad Neumann

Like I said two articles ago. eBE will be PTOed. It is evident regardless of who wins the CP, eBE will prey victim to a PTO. I am also not convinced that the community is really anti PTO. You hear that they are against the Croats/ Macedonian PTO. You hear them shout against PANDA's policies of open borders. In the end, it is a lot of talk but no one is really serious about it.

We have true heroes who worked hard and true for the interest of eBE. People like Mittekemuis, Nohjis, Critically, El1teMKD, Tecuvo, Elynea, and MaryamQ. They work hard and put their hearts into their efforts to improve eBE. It is indeed sad to see their efforts in vain.

The incompetence of the government and the community is boundless. I have zero confidence in this government who can waste time demanding on new military avatar but cannot for 11 days accept a free MPP with the eUS. I have no confidence with a gov that states he will support a wipe in secret and then goes and tell people to fight in the RW. Many in the community should be ashamed as well. Some fight this RW for medals instead of putting the country first. So a RW or BH medal is more important than the integrity of the community.

So in my opinion, eBE deserves to be PTOed. eBE deserve to fail for I think the government and many in the community is spineless. eBE like eNL will be a fail state. You will either be PTOed, appease Shadow and his stupid demands which he will ask more and more until there is no forum left. Or you will have both. eBE is PTOed by outsiders and from PANDA/ Shadow gang.

Like I said before, eBE is already lost. People who do not help themselves will fail. eBEers are either too selfish or too naive. In the end they are not united and they will fail. PANDA gets one thing right and that is their united effort to do what they want. They do not bla bla bla for months and then do nothing. While I disagree with them on the border issue, at least they act. That is more than many in eBE who claims they care but in the end, they do the talk and not the walk. While I think PANDA will destroy eBE, they deserve to oust many who are in power now for they act and are not lazy.

I am leaving eBE since I am not convinced that eBE is a place ideal for me. I gave but I got nothing in return. I cannot work with the deadwood in the community. Maybe I was naive and think eBE changed but it is evident that it did not. I endured countless homophobic attacks for the wellbeing of this community but in the end, few really cares. Well I really do not care anymore. You want to be bullied by Shadow and PANDA, that is your right. You want to be PTOed, that is your right. It is your right to run the government and set the future that you want: I have the right to walk away.

The harassment case will still remain so don't worry, the charges will NOT be dropped...

As to my predictions on eBE's future. There is no good ending. The best results is Elynea wins CP. At least she can put in skillful players in gov post and have direct access to CoT. Coryn is not ready and he really thinks he can tame PANDA and the PTOer. If Coryn wins CP, I will pity him. He will be on a thin tight rope. He will need to appease PANDA and their radicalism while addressing the concerns of moderates like HOPE (Tecuvo) The chance of his success is low especially his desire to put GW Junior as the MoF position. Coryn himself is inexperience and overall does not understand the game and its mechanics. Despite his intentions which seems sincere, he does not have the talent to address all of these issues. I think most people even of experience have the talent to address all of that.

In addition to the issues above, both candidates will have to face the Croat/ Macedonian PTO. Many are already in and the community is divided over the open boarder issue. Seeing the response of this current government and others in the community, they will not act anyways. The ATO movement have no unity nor leadership. Many will still see PANDA and Coryn as a threat. Even with Coryn's desire to make peace, I think he will not manage it in time. Time ran out as enemy agents are in the country. PANDA's policy made the political environment way too toxic to unite the overall community. Also many are not convince PANDA will join the struggle against the Croat/ Macedonian PTO.

Well, I guess Shadow one. He is indeed the biggest winner here. A RL Flemish nationalist who sides with "commie/ anarchist" to overthrow a democratically elected government. While they are certain the villains of this story, many in the community are enablers. So while it is easy to blame him which you could, there are many like Pieter are at fault. The time to wake up is already too late. All experience players know who he is and gave up on him. He can only prey on the innocent and ignorance of the new and young. He will do well in eBE but not in more established and bigger countries.

I suspect that at this point, you have PANDA people shouting names against me from traitor to other stuff. Well what else is new. I have deal with your abuse for months. You even sent a PM to make me feel unwelcomed. Your attempts to bully me out of the country really did not work. Your homophobic and other forms of abuse did not work. In the end I am leaving but because of your lame words but the lack of sincerity and spine of the community. I hope you enjoy your victory while you can for this is only the beginning. Your grasp of power will be limited if you cannot deal with the Croat/ Macedonian power.

Regardless, I really do love eBE. However I have no faith in a lot of people in here and I am sure they will say similar things. I really do not care. I will not open myself to more hurt and heartache to a community who does not care. I will not spend more energy to combat real threats and danger only to be undermined by some people who I am protecting since they want a medal or do not want to look bad in the public. I wish you best of luck for I think you will need it. But I know eBE is not my home and I am walking away. I will still comment on articles and visit the forums but I will not fight anymore...