Setting the record straight

Day 1,162, 17:16 Published in Canada Canada by The Norsefire Party of Canada

The Shout Outs and article writing regarding Wes Lewis and Rolo Tahmasee is reaching a fevered pitch (actually in regards to Rolo, he has been a favourite topic for 5 months).
For the newer players let me point out the circumstances under which these two individuals were elected and what led to their alleged theft of government funds in the case of Wes Lewis, and liberation of funds by Rolo Tahmasee .

Rolo Tahmasee (is awesome)

Rolo Tahmasee was around when eCanada was wiped from the map, he was a friend of Bruck and TFD and a long time critic of the DAL and CAF. He continuously pointed out the obvious misuse of funds by the MoI and CAF. He never hid his opinions. In the month he decided to run for CP he was basically unopposed and most of the top 5 parties “forgot” to endorse a CP candidate even though most supported him outright. This was strange given that the largest party in eCanada at the time could have won the Presidency with any candidate given their numbers were double the next largest party.
He won the election, and then screenshots of private IRC convos were posted, basically outlining his plans of reforming the CAF and MoI and thereby eliminating the biggest drain of taxpayer money which was directed towards the institutionalized theft that was (is?) the CAF/MoI.
An illegal impeachment vote was started and before Rolo even had a chance to login the next day, it was obvious he would indeed be impeached without even being able to defend himself. That is when he decided to Liberate the government funds. Funds that in previous months went straight to the CAF fatcats and to the MoI, also known as the Ministry of Generosity as it was used to siphon money to the DAL and pay DAL employees double market wages in exchange for their membership and loyalty

Wes Lewis

If my memory serves me Wes moved to eCanada in May or June of 2010. He joined the CEP and was eager and immediately was one of the most active players, in-game, on the forums, and on IRC. He did seem to party hop quite a bit moving to CEP, DAL, EPIC, CPF and back again.
Rather than thinking of Wes as a quitter, I actually think most parties weren’t active enough for his liking, he was used to a faster pace. This put many people off and Wes had endured much bullying if for no other reason than he was a 16 year old who seemed to very eager to try and achieve in this game. He is the hardest working player I have known.
He ran for CP this year and no one (including myself) figured he had a shot against TemujinBC. I endorsed him as CP candidate as a personal show of my friendship with him over the past 6 months. Then...all of a sudden Tem forgets how to play this game that he has mastered for over a year and screws up his own CP nomination. Now Wes Lewis actually can be eCanada’s 2nd choice and win the election, which he did comfortably. That’s right Wes Lewis, the one most of you on IRC and in almost every party publicly trolled, derided, and insulted was actually elected by the the majority. After 4 days Wes Lewis allegedly stole government funds which lead to another illegal impeachment, this time started by Rolo for lulz, but deemed valid by the haters that didn't like the outcome of the democratically decided election

On one hand we have Rolo Tahmasee who once elected, had the presidency illegally stolen from him, and in a impulse decided to send a FU to the two institutions that he was gonna change, and had unfairly ended his Term.

Then we have Wes Lewis, someone who was belittled, bullied, and derided by almost all of you and me as well. What did you expect once he gamed eCanada (although by incredible “luck"). Seriously.

These 2 can put up with the insults, and articles because they have never regarded their opponents as trustworthy or honest. The amounts they have stolen were amounts to be directed to organizations that either were or still are the 2 most corrupt institutions in eCanada....the CAF and the MoI. These 2 organizations have been used for almost a year to drain our country’s revenue and place it in the hands of a few experienced players with a sense of entitlement who have had the ability and funds to payoff their supporters everyday.

At least these two have the balls to show the hypocrisy in this country out in the open and stand to take whatever the haterz want to throw at them. others, such as Citizen B however just show up at Congress election time.

You all owe Rolo Tahmasee and Wes Lewis a massive "Thank You". They have made what is usually the dullest place on eEarth a hell of alot more interesting, while simultaniously telling their elitist detractors to "Shove It"

Alastar Aingleis
Party President, The Norsefire Party of Canada