Serious Dog Does Not Approve! - Alfred's Spectacular Rebutall

Day 713, 22:34 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Oh boy Arthur does your jealousy know no bounds? Your party is a failure, I can't believe you are so self conscience of your dying failing party that you are honestly trying to attack my party because we don't post on forums? A cabinet for what? In every aspect our party is better then yours. Shall I make a short list? Yes I think I will 😃

1. Party Members
2. Congress Members
3. Awesome Members
4. Active Members
5. Oh yeah we are literate and know how to write correct sentences

As for that article you called Journalism? I did the article for the luls, if you think I knew people valued your opinion or even respected Austria's Very Own Mentally Challenged Party I would have never done it, your article was full of subtle attacks on NFA and me, and then you had the nerve to say I have openly attacked you? Look at your whole poorly written article. It's EPIC FAIL and even worse everyone got a good laugh. If that was the intent of your article to make people laugh congratulations you succeeded greatly!

"15.What is your parties “appeal?

Sex Appeal!

My Comment: Obviously Alfred wasn’t thinking when he said that his party had “appeal”, he clearly can’t explain what appeal his party has, as a result he gave a stupid answer. Perhaps he knows that they have no appeal."

This doesn't even deserve a a sentence or a rebuttal it was so obvious a joke, that you are to full of yourself to know that, so instead here is a picture.

Always yours Austria,
Alfred Ball