Serbia, you need more bots !

Day 1,348, 00:21 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by StaniliuS

Serbia, you need more bots !

Yesterday, out of nine finished battles, Serbia lost... nine (or was it 10?), and another two going on now (Bukovina and Nevada), which also seems they are losing.
The one for Moscow and Central Russia, vital for Serbia's bonus status, was lost. No need to say that all EDEN and maybe ONE's might was concentrated in this battle, which makes winning it even more sweet. The following conclusion comes to my mind...


But that's cheating, isn't it ? The hell with it, you have been cheating for so long, that cheating is now your everyday game. The important thing is to stop losing !!! You need as many bots as you can, and you need them now ! After all, it's not easy being world's greatest superpower. 900 bots seem to have been doing the job so far, but now that EDEN's getting stronger you need...


Or maybe you can borrow some from FYROM ?!