Serbia start on Taiwan, Cyprus reduced to one place and a Big Shout out

Day 1,345, 02:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322
Special Star Wars edition.*

Play those instruments, weird looking fish things.

And it looks like China's been left alone. Yeah, sure, its much smaller than before and probably crying into its bowl of rice and computer, but it has been left alone. Good news for EDEN, bad news for the small country island of Taiwan, who Serbia has started on now, you big bullies. Taiwan hasn't done anything to hurt anyone. But of course whilst this epic conquest to destroy China was occurring, certain countries would return. Like Japan, who were so close to being wiped a few weeks back but who now have returned almost to original size. Or Russia, who have managed to build a small stronghold in Eastern Europe. Even America have grown the balls to attack Hungary, which may anger the wasp's nest of ONE.

The members of One gather for their weekly meeting and Jedi execution.

Another busy ONE member is FYROM, or Macedonia depending on your outlook on life/nationality. The unlucky country. Cyprus. Al Qasim is the last remnant of what was once a respectable empire. Their congress has proposed Saudi Arabia as a Natural Enemy, which means that they obviously have plans to try the surrounding Arab countries and expand once again. But the're not stupid enough to attack Macedonia. Smart country.

Macedonia destroy the Cypriot Death Star, and Cypriot President KutlukBilgeKulKagan isn't happy.

A main talking point for newspapers this week was the presidential impeachment of jamesw, who allegedly had his car/laptop/Speeder Bike stolen whilst in Ireland. Also, he was knifed by, what I think was probably a leprechaun. Maybe it was a dyed-green ewok. Anyhow, I just want to say to our new temporary President Daniel Thurrold "Hi". Oh, and "don't cross ONE". But I think that is obvious, isn't it.

Did I scare you?

*If you don't like Star Wars, you may not like this. Probably to late for the warning, huh?