Senate Platform/Tassie!

Day 1,311, 04:26 Published in Australia Australia by Diablo101

Good evening eAustralia!

This will be my second running to be a congress member, and i intend to make it so..
There are a few things wrong with the government i think of now. Obviously the main one that has gripped eAustralians with disgust and petty towards the eAustralian government. The inability to communicate..With the previous MoFA not being able to communicate to the senate as well as the eAustralian public, has led to us RW'ing our once territories and NE'ing eIndonesia. But luckily for persuasive writing the deal still went ahead and we were asked if there is any RW's to fight for indonesia and against our own forces to show good will. I would normally disagree with this but meh.. i can understand why we are fighting for eIndonesia.. But its horrible to attack your own forces. Your fighting against a team mate!..And blah blah blah.. Now that that is over...Finally.. Upon writing this.. QLD has been hit with a RW and I am hoping it comes back under our control like it should have always been..

If i could be a senate member once again for this term, i have a few things to implement.. And i wish to restructure the military because it wont grow to its full potential like this..

As i have seen in other articles.. we are sick and tired of seeing the same people in and always getting let down.. Now this is the time for the future generation of eAustralians to take a hold on their ecareers. And thats what i am doing, thats what you should be doing too!
I am Basically going to continue on with my last congress platform. Which Include😛

-Player help..
-The policy of player retention.
-My Satellite laser guiding technology will be upgraded to LIDAR (Light direction and ratings)
-Prisoners of war, turned into an elite fighting force for our country...
-Military reform
-economic reform

Anything i have missed? Just tell me.. I work on with the motivation of the citizens..xD i will do what YOU tell me to and change what YOU want changed!
Please vote for me for congress IN TASSIE This term For the Green And Gold Party
If i succeed YOU can tell me whatever you feel needs changing and i will help implement it..

Sincerly Diablo101
Party President of GnG