Senate Elections for ALF (yes that party)

Day 2,157, 20:18 Published in Australia Australia by Noodles84

Hi everybody,

Come on you know you said it that way in your head,

I am writing today to let all you fine people know that we are having senate elections soon. That means we need people of fine moral upstanding to run for senate.

(are these the people im talking about?)

Now as this rules out half you lot, the other half I would encourage to run. To do so you need to register your intention to do so on our party page, and also message me.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask myself or flatty, (provided he hasn’t been thrown in eJail) Nicky is also a decent person to ask. And we will be more than happy to help.

(Flatty was warned about staying away from Johnny Depp)

I encourage anybody to run as the experience is worth it if you wish to progress further on the political side.


Sec General
Australian Liberation Front