Selection of new Party President for UKRP

Day 1,090, 19:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

As my period of duty as 'Caretaker' Party President of the UKRP draws to a close it is time to declare my support for one of the candidates running to fill the post.

Those who know me will be aware that I value loyalty and sense of duty highly. I have always found issue with those that change their allegiences at a whim. I therefore cannot support at present Lap12345, who less than a month ago was a citizen of the eUSA, member of the US Armed Forces and even successfully stood for election as a member of the eUS Congress! (See and ).

Daniel Thorrold, whilst a relatively new recruit to our ranks, would appear somewhat less prone to morphing loyalties. I therefore declare my support for Daniel Thorrold in this months PP Elections.

I have to stress the importance of having an active, resposible and effective PP - the individual that we elected last term quit (for personal reasons) less than a week into his term of office, then proceeded to embark on a programme of disruptive activities at the Party's expense for 'laughs'. If we are to remain an active and credible political party then this cannot be allowed to happen again!

Tomorrow I shall be voting Daniel Thorrold for PP UKRP