Seisan for Congress in Limpopo!

Day 792, 12:54 Published in South Africa South Africa by Seisan

Hello, eSA!

I am Seisan and I am asking for you to vote me into eSA's congress for the second time. I have had quite a bit of experience here in eSA as the former PP of the AGW, CO of the 2nd Company Delta Squad, and having been a Congressman for one term. I must say I love it here in eSA and I am dedicated to it.

We are in tough times here in eSA. We need people with a level headed mind, common sense, and dedication to keep eSA prosperous. Now, I have always pushed for neutrality in eSA, even if that meant having to deal with eIndo and eBrazil having half of our country. However, with eBrazil's recent douche-baggery, I have had enough. It is time eBrazil learned that they can not just push us around and get away with it. That being said, that does not mean I think we should rush headlong into a war that will get us destroyed. We need to be calm, think all this through, and make the right decisions before we commit to this.

I also feel that we need to strengthen our military and get more people involved in the eSAAF. Now, that doesn't mean I want us to be a military powerhouse like some other nations, but we need a strong military to defend our shores. We need a strong military to prove to the eWorld that we will not just sit back and be walked on any longer.

This current Congress has been...well, lacking. We need dedicated players to be in our Congress and the hours I spend on eRep everyday, I feel, shows that I am dedicated. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure eSA's prosperity, no matter what that may be.

Vote for Seisan, support the AGW, and support the eSAAF.