Seen through other`s eyes.

Day 437, 09:15 Published in Romania Romania by MoonlightShadow

Short English description: this is a personal voyage throughout eRepublik, because I, as a Romanian, wanted to see if I`m so really hated just because I`m a Romanian, and because we conquered Rusia, and whatever. I sent some 50 PMs to people I NEVER talked with (2 exceptions), and asked them to tell me sincerely what do they think about us, romanians
First conclusion: old citizens know this is a game, and knows to have fun, beyond public and official politics feelings are different. I mean, I MUST scream “death to Hungarians” if my country gets involved in a war with Hungary, but if one`s asking me in private “Do you really have so much negative feelings about Hungarians?”.. well, my answer would be a definitely “NO, this is just a game”. I think that this somehow public poll it`s true for any given country. We do say words, we do fight, we do get angry, but we are grown-up men, we enjoy this game, we won`t kill each others if we`d meet on the street. And I really like this conclusion, i reckon i was a little scared by the overwhelming "passion". I`m hoping that the opinions which are to be published later on, as it will arrive, will not change that. I also hope that anonymous and less experienced citizens that received my PM will answer.

Thanks all for answering

Am revazut azi din intamplare cateva commenturi negative la adresa romanilor, am recitit articolul True Romania unde iarasi am vazut unele "death to romanians".. si m-a pleznit o curiozitate: dincolo de oficial, de ceea ce se spune in public, de ceea ce TREBUIE sa fie spus in public..oare noi romanii ce imagine avem printre cetatenii Republicii? Stiu foarte bine ca este o diferenta mare intre ceea ce se spune in public si ceea ce se spune in privat. Adica un articol " moarte ungurilor" probabil ar strange zeci de commenturi "voted", dar daca i-ai lua la rand pe romanii aia si i-ai intreba sincer ce si cum, mare parte dintre ei nu ar mai sustine acelasi lucru, poate de fapt ar avea chiar o simpatie pentru unguri, dar nah, in joc trebuie sa ii "casapim". Plecand de la aceasta premisa m-am apucat sa port discutii pe PM cu cetateni din toata Republica, i-am intrebat "ce gandesti, ce simti cand ti se spune cuvantul "roman" "

Iata raspunsurile integrale primite pana acum, de la republicani vechi si puternici, altii mai necunoscuti, din diferite tari ale Er-ului. Pe masura ce mai vin si altele mai adaug.

-Ernesto_Guevara, Argentinean party president and Congressman :

“My opinion: Very negative. I dont like Expansionistic and belicist behavior. I believe in the nation´s right to have his own soil, soverany and dignity. I am totally against Take Overs. Romania, lately, invaded countries and organized takeovers, and that´s why I dont have a good opinion about them. War in eR is important, but not the only important thing. Takeovering and destroying a nations structures is a shame”

-Kir, Norwegian, party president and Norway`s President:

“My personal opinion is that Romania is a strong country, able and our good friends.
I like them as peoples. I personally have a good relationship with many in your country”

-Anonimux,Spanish, Spain`s President:

“There it goes:I have a good image among romanians. They are strong military, and good friends of their friends. However I would like to see Romania to open more its doors to us, their friends to make, even more, strong our friend relationship.Well..more than two phrases. Lol

-Dionysus, Netherlands, former President of eNetherlands, Dutch ambassador, congressman in both eNetherlands and India

“Overall I have no actual bad experiences with Romanians in general. The Romanians I know are actually nice. I dislike imperialism in general and many Romanians seem to support imperialism by their country.
I however don't forget it is a game and any person or country plays it their own way. I don't dislike Romanians, just because their country has imperialistic tendencies. I think in general Romanians are nice and it is great to see how a nation that is not the biggest or richest in real life can be one of the powers to reckon with in erepublik.
Kind regards”

-Atilaa, Iranian, powerful PEACE tank:

“i think here just is a game
and romanians are smart people and this is not bad , i dont hate romanians”

-Quicksilver, Hungarian, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“I like to be honest, so that is what you will get. 🙂
I think that eRomanians in general are fairly ruthless and compensating a lot from IRL life; meaning they are trying to accomplish that empire in game, that they feel like somehow 'due' to them in RL.”

-Misho, Swedish, Minister of Defense:
“Romanians are kick ass awesome, they are leading the developement in this game. And I'm not talking about the romanian game developers now..”

-The Heminator, Swedish, citizen:
“I think that the eRomanian nation has acted in an imperliast manner and I see the eRomanian state as the enemy of the eProletariate”

-Jaz Razzle, American, U.S Ambassador to Austria.

“My opinion towards Romania is currently neutral. I used to be supportive of your nation, but lately my support has wavered, mainly due to the issues regarding ATLANTIS. If Romania could work more closely with the U.S, and make a more effective alliance, my opinion would once again be supportive.
Thank you,”

-N3m0, Indonesian, powerful PEACE tank:

“Romanian in my eyes? After what you did to Argentinian and Russia, we didnt like you now.
And since for many times romanian always find a way to discredit me, so that added the negatif thing of you.
on the otherhand, admins located on your country, erep got many bugs and made us lost many active players who leaving this game, so, that's another negatif thing lol
Aside from that, i dont want to take it all into personal. Game is game, friendship should be put on number 1”

-A.Holst, Danish, former party leader, now congressman
“I think you are far too imperialistic”

-Meiko, Spanish, former president of Spain, several times MoFA and current Secretary General of ATLANTIS

“To keep it short, my opinion about Romanians is that they (you) are strong, well organized and active. The only problem I've had so far is the lack of comunication and that seem to be improving too.
Hope you got what you needed. Don't hesitate in contacting me if you ever need anything. And if you may, send me the link to the article when published for me to read it.
Best regards.”

-Jamaerah, Polish, congressman.
“In my humble opinion romanians are people who you can trust. They are reliable and honest.
PS. You don't like hungarians😛

-Erwin Schauman, Finnish, former MoFA of Finland, currently a military personnel in the eFinnish special forces, general manager, freelancer political activist and journalist.

“I have lately been receiving personal tutoring about Romania by one particular eRomanian and I have visited the general area of Europe where Romania is located. Based on that information, as well as on my earlier experiences with latin and slavic cultures, I have no doubt that the Romanians are warm, kind and proud people with great sense of humour and unique cultural history.
Although the eRepublik staff has not lately been painting a pretty picture of your culture, I am sure that this is an isolated incident and it should not be taken as a stereotype of all Romanians. I also believe that the admin favoritism towards eRomania has been grossly exaggerated since no real evidence about the issue has been provided.”

-El croat, Croatian, congressman

“What do I think about Romanians, hmmm: Aspect of politics in which I am interested in are foreign policy. In about 3 months I see my country having it's first imperialistic war. In that war I hope us to get help and suport from Romania as we established friendly relationship in the beggining. I belive that Romania is certainly one amongst three most powerful countries in world and Croatia has only potential to enter "the top 10".
If we manage to establish closer relationship, I have no doubts that both counties would have great benefits from it.
I hope that our homelands will be friends forever!”

-Chuck Norris, unknown nationality, nor functions, 8 months citizen

“I don't know any romanians, but I think they should try to respect their agreements in their alliance.
Remember, empires always fall”

-MV-Kb, Spanish, powerful soldier

“I've been to Romania a couple of times and always had a great relationship with the company i worked for, very friendly and happy to have me there. Good luck with Hungary”

Eu zic ca se pot trage niste concluzii: nu doar ca aliatii ne privesc OK, dar nici macar DUSMANII nu sunt atat de inversunati impotriva noastra precum lasa sa para. In acelasi timp, gandurile sincere arata CE si UNDE trebuie sa aducem imbunatari imaginii noastre, atat printre prieteni cat si printre dusmani: comunicarea, informarea si stigmatul de imperialisti. Sincer nici nu stiu cine este Ministrul nostru al Afacerilor Externe, dar cred ca radiografiind pulsatiile up and down de-a lungul hartii eR-ului, putem face minuni printr-o comunicare mai stransa.


-Hekkat, Hungarian, Hungary`s President:

“My opinion about Romania and Romanians: your community is way better than most of the e-nations (which is nicely shown by your e-population). You know what is important and how to get it.What I am interested in is whether you know what is not important to you, and how much you would gain by letting it go in other terms.
Please provide me a link of the article when you have finished.
Best regards”

-GnolTac, Pakistan`s President
“I think that if Romania would be a kind of bicycle, it would be a bicycle that a bunch of hobo's pooped all over. And there's no saddle”

-Dgames, Portuguese, citizen

“Well if we leave your imperalistic politics behind I think your actually nice people 😛
no trouble at all without no wars we get bored 🙁

- Dean22, Canadian, citizen

“[..]The biggest problem I have with Romania is how they treat their friends.To me Romania is like real life Russia. You guys are strong and have a good economy but your assholes when it comes to co-operating with NATO which, would be Atlantis.[..] Shame on you Romania and shame on you Atlantis for putting up with the spoiled child. ”

-Benn Dover, American, ex-President of USA, and ex-many-functions, everybody knows him

I see Romania as a peaceful, very strong country, who wants to get their " ----" wet, pardon my language. Political takeovers are frowned upon in this game, especially the way Romania does it.
I like a lot of Romanians, but don't support their latest actions in Russia, and I don't support their general Imperialism.

-MachineMadness, Australian, citizen

It hard to put my exact feelings about Romania. You helped us in our resistance wars against Indonesia, but you invaded Russsia.
You seem like a strong nation, but your leaders make stupid choices sometimes

-corny-ratbag, Australian, citizen, former congressman and minister.

From my experience Romania is made up of some very kind people. I personal have not had any problems with anyone and I thank the Romania's for helping us out.

-BattalGazi,Turkish, minister

Fairly at the 2 pole e-world we are not the same side. But Whiout this i dont have any personal problem whit romanians. Anyway this a game and we have rivals. This makes play this game whit more fun. And Romenians one of the unchangeable part of this game.
We have play this game whit its rules this gives us more fun

-Pier4reich, Italian, citizen

Romanian (in game) are: smarter and not correct.

-Justinious McWalburgson III, American, USA President

I think the romanians are fun, loyal to their country and alliance. I feel they know how to play the game seriously but not too seriously. I do also think they can be a little pushy, and because of which are seen as bullies, but i dont really see anythign wrong with that