Secretary of Solidarity

Day 1,235, 00:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Kliment E. Voroshilov

Good day eSwitzerland,
as you read, i was appointed for Secretarty of Solidarity.

SoS job is to help citizens of eSwiss. That includes writing tutorials, donations and other.

So, my jobs are:
- Incereasing level of game education (writing guides - tutorials)
- Donations actions (food, weapon supply...)
- Contacting eBabies, new players (at least 70)

Our big problem is small number of players. I will try to bring some new players and and to keep current ebabies.


SoS have:
50 q1 food
10 q5 food
2 q1 moving tickets
5 q1 weapons

Write in comment if you want something. Also, you can help by going to donate money, food, weapons, moving tickets or house to my profile. That will be used for humanitarian purposes.

Contact SoS for help.

Secretary of Solidarity,
Luka Tomasevic Tomas