Second Place Achieved, Thanks eUSA! [Edit]

Day 2,146, 00:18 Published in USA USA by Talostastic

Post-Verification Update;
Upon checking the results after they posted;

Frost lost 5, I lost 2, Chopp lost 10, Enkel lost 1.

So, if you want to say, "The AFA doesn't multi!" or even "The AFA multi's less than everyone else!", this seems kinda proof-positive for the case that it's all a lie.

Thanks AFA, you made the margin of 2nd place all the sweeter.

Post Election Update;
As of 15 seconds before Daychange;

The verification is still being carried out, but unless there were some shenanigans on the opposition's part, I feel confident that I'll have achieved my goal of second place.

I'd like to thank everyone who voted for me, and the man who will be PotUS 2 hours after this update, Josh Frost, for the avatar change through the course of the day, as well as the DSW candidate stenak for wearing the blocker avatar through the course of the day.

Well kids, I'm not going to sugar coat it.

This has not been the smoothest of PotUS Campaigns.

Good thing this was never a PotUS Campaign.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Talostastic, and I am running for WorstPotUS.

It was a foregone conclusion from the day he announced. Josh Frost was a man whose force of personality alone could carry him straight to the White House.

My campaign for WorstPotUS has been fun. I had two more articles I planned to release, but they never quite coalesced into actual articles I would feel like posting. One was far too good, the other one was just me typing "Please vote for me" over and over again (by hand, not that copy+paste BS) until I reached the maximum characters an article could have.

All in all, I'm happy with the best WorstPotUS campaign ever. I managed to barely win my own Party's endorsement. I got absolutely hammered in every other Top 4 party, though I somehow did better than I expected to, in that I got on the Primary ballot, and got more than 2 votes in each Party.

You might be asking, "If it's a foregone conclusion, why write this article at all? Why buy votes? Do you have money falling out of your ears?"

"Actual" Photo.

The thing I kept close to the vest this entire, glorious, hilarious campaign was that my goal is 2nd place.

Josh Frost's victory today is certain. But, I'm not content with being "just another loser". I want to be the first loser. I want Second Place.

Do you want to help my dream come true? Do you want to laugh at the AFA, that even if somehow, one of their random Impeachment laws passes, RGR's latest empty suit won't sit in the White House? Then you know what you need to do.


If you have any questions, feel free to text me directly,
(920) 445-8712
Or, you can join my Campaign Channel
PM me directly if you want the campaign channel's actual name.